The Life and Times of a 1-week old

Now that they’re born and on the way towards adulthood let’s take a look at what you can expect during this first week. The trip to the hospital has been covered, so has the birth. Now it’s time for mom to recover, get that newborn home and see how soon they can start mowing the grass or doing the dishes. 

Sleeping More Mojo-an example of those close up shots you need to take of an infant
Sleeping More Mojo

It’s so easy to spend hours looking at an infant.  You’ll simultaneously be in wonder at how small they are and then ponder how something so big could come from wife.  Now is the time to take close up photos of tiny fingers and toes.  In the 1-week that More Mojo has been home we can already notice the changes in his face.


Kittens and newborns have more than just the sounds that they make in common; they both need to eat every three hours.  At night the feedings can be stretched out a bit to allow mom and dad more time to sleep.

Tiny infant ears, be sure to get photos of toes and fingers too
Tiny infant ears, be sure to get photos of toes and fingers too

Currently More Mojo is waking up at least once a night.  Regardless of how many times he wakes up at night he’s down for the count once we give him 3 ounces of formula.  When we left the hospital he was at 2 ounces of formula but quickly jumped to 3 ounces after he got home.

The crying

Caring for an infant is actually pretty easy.  At this age your infant is going to sleep most of the day.  When they cry you know that they’re either hungry, tired or need a diaper change.  Is the diaper dirty?  If it’s been a couple hours since their last feeding then feed them.  If they’re diaper is clean and they’ve been fed, then they’re tired.

If only dating and grown up relationships were as simple as figuring out what an infant wants.

Baby Aerobics

From 5-6 we put Toddler Mojo through baby aerobics.  Baby aerobics is our playful way of keeping More Mojo awake during this time of day when he really wants to sleep.  We did this with our first child and it helped him sleep through the night by the sixth week.

The down side to baby aerobics is that they cry and cry loudly.  From the perspective of an infant they’re learning when they should sleep and don’t really know day and night that well yet.  We’ll sing to them, read to them or do anything to help keep them awake.

We also play Johnny Cash.  When Toddler Mojo was going through baby aerobics we’d listen to the man in black.  During our first baby aerobics with the new child Toddler Mojo looked up and remembered many of the songs that were playing!  It was hysterical and we’re setting the boys up with some great taste in music too.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “The Life and Times of a 1-week old”

    1. Hey Chopper! Yeah, it’s busy and full of infant and toddler noise here. I still remember your comment “I’m so glad that my children can speak now.” We’ll be in that boat in a couple years.

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