Cavemen in Babyland by Kindred Howard

Cavemen in Babyland is a fine primer for dads and moms-to-be

Kindred Howard is a friend of mine.  When he sent me his book, Cavemen in Babyland, he told me that guys don’t normally read parenting books and that it was kind of aimed at women.   Granted, he was probably just taking that information from marketing companies or perhaps his publisher. 

To an extent I can agree with him.  Prior to the birth of our first child my wife had baby books out the wazoo and she suggested that I read them.  I did read a couple pages of them, but I then put them inside a much bigger book that usually had pictures of The Hulk in it.  It’s the same thing you used to do in college, don’t lie to yourself, you know you did.

Cavemen in Babyland is a title that sounds like it’s condescending towards dads, but it’s not.  Throughout the book Kindred is respectful towards dads and never treats them as the stereotypical dingbat that the media makes us out to be.  There are numerous real life situations where he finds himself doing or thinking something simple and lowbrow, but never stupid or not caring.

Cavemen in Babyland by Kindred Howard
Cavemen in Babyland by Kindred Howard

He tracks through the various stages dads will go through including The Pregnancy Cave, Cavemen in Babyland, Cavemen in Baby College and many more chapters.  The relationship with his wife is always treated with respect and love during the humorous stories.  His humor is self depreciating, but not to a point where you think he doesn’t like himself or genuinely resents his situation.

It’s a humor book that is nice.  Kindred’s background is in the ministry and writing.  That combination results in a nice, comforting wrap up at the end of his anecdotes.  The stories about dads are funny, but it never puts them in a bad light.

Because we’re two children deep into this parenting thing most of his anecdotes rang true and were familiar to us.  My wife and I both enjoyed the book, but did get tired of reading ‘cavemen’ or ‘caveman’.  All of the stories were very funny and ultimately about love, forgiveness and patience.  My wife laughed out loud much more than I did.  So, to an extent, those marketing companies may have been correct about parenting books.

Cavemen in Babyland is a fine primer for dads and moms-to-be.  If you’re expecting a child and want to know how that little person will impact you and your spouse this is a good starting point.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

2 thoughts on “Cavemen in Babyland is a fine primer for dads and moms-to-be”

  1. My book got zero traction…I wonder if/when a book by a dad will? 

    I know what I’ll do differently with the next one, though.

    Love the title of the Caveman book! Wishing it much success!

    1. Ditto, he’s a nice dude and his book is funny, yet grounded in family and common sense.  It’s good to learn from previous experiences, testify.

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