Atlanta Dads Group has Meetups all over Atlanta for dads

Five years ago the NYC Dads Group started organizing events for dads all around New York City.  They had events at museums, movies, pools, bars and any other places that guys like to have fun.  Over the years other city groups popped up in Boston, Chicago, Albuquerque, Columbus, Denver, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and San Francisco. Last month the Atlanta Dads Group made their debut and has already had a couple of events out to movies, parks, mountain bike rides, museums and have more coming up.

Atlanta Dads Group

The Atlanta Dads Group is for dads.  I state the obvious, yes?

There is no membership fee, no monthly dues or expectations from you.  The Atlanta Dads Group will plan activities and if it sounds cool and you want to come, then simply RSVP.  The only exception to costs will be when they’re going someplace like a Braves or Hawks game.  In those cases they’ll work out tickets between all of the interested people.

Some activities will include the kids and some will not.  The Atlanta Dads Group IS NOT a stay at home dad group.  Some of their members are stay at home dads and some aren’t.

Likewise The Atlanta Dads Group is not just for ITP or OTP dads.  They’ll have events inside and outside the perimeter-it’s cool to either leave or enter 285, really.

It all starts by simply joining the Atlanta Dads Group on Meetup.  All of the messaging for group outings will come from that account. Once you join the Meetup group you can suggest places or things for the group to do.  You can organize those outings yourself if know of a great happening in your area.

The Atlanta Dads Group can have Meetups anywhere.  Museums in Midtown, parks in Sandy Springs, story time in Decatur, beers in Buckhead, cookouts in Vinings, the pool in Alpharetta, music in East Atlanta, pizza in East Point or a tour of the Delta Museum near the airport.

The Atlanta Dads Group is simply about dads, meeting other dads, hanging out and having fun.   The dads might bond over those little people that they all have in common or just relax without them.

The next Meetup for the Atlanta Dads Group is Tuesday, July 22, 11:00 AM at Little Shop of Stories in Decatur.  The one after that will be in late July, a social for dads only in Buckhead. You can also find the Atlanta Dads group on Facebook and twitter.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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