Our summer’s day out with Snyder’s Of Hanover #PretzelGuys

 I partnered with and was compensated by Life of Dad and Snyder’s of Hanover for this promotion.  Summertime has peaks and valleys when it comes to children and snacking.  Naps and schedules go the way of the dodo because of camps, activities and the somewhat normal ‘life’ that has to happen. Snyder’s of Hanover is having America’s Summertime Favorite Sweepstakes; it’s a chance for you to win $10K towards your ideal summer vacation.

Errand and Activty Pretzel Pack

Our Errand and Activity Pretzel Pack has everything that we needed for the day:  Snyders of Hanover’s Sourdough Nibblers and Pretzel Snaps, bathing suits, 2 pairs of swimmies, suntan lotion, 3 hats, ice water, 3 sandwiches, various comic books and a couple action figures.

The journey starts at 9:30 with a trip to our local comic book store.  We arrive just after they open, get what we went there for and get out.  The ‘bull in a China shop’ metaphor is accurate when dealing with a 4 and 2 year old inside of a brightly colored store with cartoon characters that can’t be touched.  Lest our children touch something in the store and incur the semi-deadly, but always surly stare of comic book guy.

Running errands with two hungry  mojos

Safely out of that store and back in the car we can all snack.  Each child has their own mixed bag of Pretzel Snaps and Sourdough Nibblers.  A plus about either of these is that they’re big enough not to require more than one bite, but small enough to eat in one bite.  To a dad that has to clean the car the less stray snack parts in the car the better.

The next trip is to the park where the kids can run, climb and laugh some energy out. Our smaller child is much more active at this age than his older brother.   Everyone in the house exercises to some degree and we’ve recently undergone a sodium secession with our diet.  We now look at how much salt is in food; don’t add salt on food when it’s not needed and stopped taking our daily dip in the Dead Sea.

At the park snacking

Snyder’s of Hanover pretzels are a healthier option than other salty snacks.  That’s a great thing because at the end of the day these pretzels have a date with a cold beverage and spicy mustard.  Bonus: Snyder’s of Hanover are fat free, so I can help keep my svelte (ish) shape.

After the park we head to the pool for a picnic lunch.  Of course on the way the kids need something to satiate their snack hole, so we double down on the Pretzel Snaps.  At our destination the kids eat their sandwich, drink some water and snack on a couple Sourdough Nibblers.  After the requisite 20 minute rest post meal, the kids and I are splashing around in the pool.

At the park snacking

This day didn’t even cost me $25, now imagine if you had $10,000 to put towards your ideal, dream summer vacation?  Simply check out Snyder’s of Hanover’s Facebook page and you can register for funds that’ll make your dream vacation happen.

At the end of the day, the real end of the day when the kids were in bed and our #PretzelGuys  were retired,  I could relax with the spicy mustard.  For good measure I even brought out the honey mustard, both of which go very well with any of the pretzels.  How will you pack your Pretzel Pack?  Pack well and enjoy the mental imagery of that $10K vacation, helloooo Iceland ( I say to my  inner dream vacation dialogue)

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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