Come jump on the Little Elliot, Big City Blog Tour

Our criteria for a great bed time story is that it’s simple enough for kids to read, or have assistance reading and be read multiple times without annoying the parent.   Little Elliot, Big City is a good example of this description.  It’s the simple story about an elephant that doesn’t quite fit in, until he finds someone else who doesn’t quite fit in.  We’re part of the Little Elliot, Big City Blog Tour and had the chance to pose some questions to its author, Mike Curato.

Little Elliot art

Elliot is a little elephant with blue and pink spots.  He’s the only elephant that lives in the city and he often gets passed by the masses of people.  Elliot also loves cupcakes.  The counter at the cupcake store is too high for him to reach.

On the way home he meets a small friend who can seemingly do even less than Elliot.  This little mouse just wants to get into a garbage can but is too small.  Elliot helps him do that and in the process feels great and realizes that the two of them can do more than just one can.

Art from Little Elliot

The book is super cute and immediately infectious.  The sentences are short enough to allow young readers time to grasp each word while looking at the big pictures that fill the pages.  We had a chance to send some questions to the author of Little Elliot, Big City, Mike Curato to ask him about the book.

From graphic illustrator/branding to children’s books.  Was writing a book about a polka dotted elephant always part of the plan?

MC: Writing and illustrating children’s books has always been the big dream for as long as I can remember. I’ve been drawing Elliot for ten years, so I guess that’s how long that idea has been around, although Big City is a much more recent story.

Your illustrations have a very timeless appeal to them.  What era did you draw him in and why?

MC:  Big City takes place in the late 1930s/early 1940s, which is one of my favorite time periods, visually speaking. It’s also a simpler time, free of cell phones and full of books. I tried to include visual cues specific to that time period, like cars, clothing, and appliances. The color palette is very muted to give a nostalgic look and feel.

I see Little Elliot as a soul brother to Curious George, except minus the trouble and overly curious nature.  Was there something/someone that you modeled him after?

MC: Elliot is modeled after my inner child. He’s the innocent and vulnerable part of me. Also, I have a pretty serious sweet tooth!

The only human face that you can clearly make out in the book is that of a little girl when she’s looking at Elliot.  What’s going on there and why her?

MC: Elliot is feeling like nobody ever notices him. In this spread though, amidst Elliot’s pain, someone does see him, someone who can relate. She’s there as a reminder that even when we think we’re alone, we’re really not. There’s someone out there that does understand what we’re going through, and it’s that human connection that really interests me as a writer. Also, that specific blonde girl was the flower girl at my wedding.

What’s next for Little Elliot?  More cupcakes?  Another animal friend? 

MC: I just finished writing the second book, Little Elliot, Big Family, in which Elliot’s friendship with Mouse becomes something much more powerful. That comes out next Fall, and not to worry, there are still cupcakes!


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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