Don’t be a luffa, #RealMenScrub with frank and it’s great

I partnered with Life of Dad and frank body for this promotion. Note:  A luffa is a scrubber that is used in the shower.  Aloof is an adjective used to describe someone who appears disoriented or uncaring.  For example, ‘that guy sure is aloof about his hygiene, he smells like a billy goat and his temperament is questionable too’, but enough about some of the other dad bloggers involved in this.  The first time I tried frank Body Scrub I immediately saw a difference and had unexpected results from people around me.



“Hmm, you smell great, what’s going on?” she said.  Unfortunately it wasn’t my wife who said that, it was a friend of the family who had a couple stiff drinks before seeing me and had lost some inhibition.  Well, A. I smelled great or B. I normally smell bad and didn’t this time, so she felt like saying something or C. Her increased alcohol heightened her sense of smell and I always smelled that way.  My money is on the first choice.

Oh, previously our friends over at Dad or Alive, gave us a shout out, oh, they called us out, OK. Thusly, we’re calling out Aaron Gouveia over at Daddy Files.  His last name reminds us of cheese and I do hope that he doesn’t smell like Munster, although now I’m just tempted to call him Herman.  If he needs some frank, as we suspect he does just have him message us and we’ll toss a snowball his way.

frank is all natural, made from coffee grounds, brown sugar, sea salt, oils, vitamins, minerals and other things that add up to take things off.  It’s a bit ironic to think that you have to get physically dirty in order to get clean, but that’s what it does.   frank is made in Australia, which means that the folks who produced it have cooler accents than you, are probably taller and prettier.  The website is also very clever, tongue firmly in cheek and explains any question you could ever have about it in detail.

frank body scrub.....on me

The closest example to those that haven’t tried frank is the way your skin feels when you go to the beach.  When you come in contact with the sand and scrub it on your skin it feels good, but it also dries out your skin at the end of the day.  With frank you get that scrubbing action without the dry out that comes at the end of the beach day.

Now, back to me smelling good.  When we got home I smelled myself, as thoroughly as I could, and couldn’t tell the difference.  I asked my wife to smell me and she said that something was definitely going on.  As in a, I like what’s going on, kind of way.

There are a couple varieties of frank.  We’ve tried the Original Coffee Scrub and Coconut Coffee Scrub.  I put a bit of the scrub in my hands, pull out the luffa and scrub away.  Oh yes, I have a luffa, it’s my luffa and it’s like my toothbrush, do not ask to borrow it, ever.  Not that I’d suspect that you would want to, but just in case you find yourself in my shower, it’s off limits, as is my frank.

However, it’s the Christmas holiday season and nothing is really off limits, is it?  frank is a unique gift that they haven’t seen before and will most likely thank you for getting as it’ll clean up their act in many different ways.

You also get a bounce in your step after you scrub with frank.  I know that it doesn’t contain caffeine, but every time I shower I get out feeling like I just saw The Road Warrior and want to go run amuck somewhere.

The other bonus of frank is that it does a number on eczema.  I’m no dermatologist, but eczema is a patch of dry skin that usually requires lotion to help minimize it.  We’ve had a patch of eczema on our knees and elbows for the past two years.  The lotion that our doctor provided either gets forgotten about or doesn’t do the trick.  However, only two times after using frank the eczema patches were more than 70% gone.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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