The fur on my arm is getting longer

Ramblings of children: The fur on my arm is getting longer

When you drive children around in the car it’s a conversation roulette wheel. Sometimes it’s meaningless whispers and other times it’s priceless conversation akin to learning a second language.

Jake:  “The fur on my arm is getting longer”
Note: when you’re a parent you learn to think in the abstract. Your kid may seem like he’s muttering without purpose or syntax, but you can understand them. Thus, when he said this-and after a quick look back in the rear view mirror I knew what he was talking about.

The fur on my arm is getting longer

He was looking down at his arm with an inquisitive and slightly worried look.

Me:  “That’s not fur, it just hair, the same as the hair that grows from your head.

I knew that this may seem a bit odd as I shave my head and have no hair on my head, so I immediately followed that up with. “If I didn’t shave my head then that hair would be just like the hair on my arm.”

Jake:  “When my hair (on my arm) gets longer does that make me a daddy?”

“No,   you’re a daddy when you meet someone that you love and want to have a family”.

Jake:  “Will my voice change?”

“Yes, your voice will become deeper and ……”

Jake:  “Will it still be my voice?”

“Yes, it’ll still be your voice, your thoughts and you, you’re just growing up, that’s all.”

Yes, yes they are.  We’re enjoying this and every day and the age that they bring. Everyday isn’t a lesson in maturity, body hair and concerns about becoming a wolf man, but every day is pretty darn special.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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