I Love You With All My Butt, silly, surreal statements from kids

I mentioned earlier about the metaphorical stocking that exists for Father’s Day. I Love You With All My Butt, an Illustrated Book of Big Thoughts From Little Kids is a very good fit for that and beyond.

When our 7 year old was 3 there was a knock at the door. “Who’s at the door? Is it monkeys”, he asked and then answered. Literally he asked a question and without hesitation provided us with his answer. “Well, if it’s monkey’s we’re moving”, my wife said without missing a beat.

I Love You With All My Butt is full of parallel sublime, silly, dreamy and in some cases cruel honesty that only kids can get away with. This is an illustrated book that delivers the memories and laughs for anyone that’s been a parent. If your children are older then you’ll remember back to the time when you child said something as silly or inappropriate. If your children aren’t talking yet or you’re in the process of trying to become pregnant these sayings are things that will seem light years away. And in a sense they are, but reading these creative blurbs will hopefully lay the ground work for you to somehow document them. There is no way that you’ll be able to catch lightening in a bottle. However, even some voice recordings or more video from when they’re that age will pay off huge dividends down the road.

Some of the more poignant stories have explanations. Harper Grace is 3 and was sad because the pony-tailed janitor at the mall couldn’t marry her so she said, “My heart doesn’t feel well”. That quote is accompanied by a drawing of a heart, holding an umbrella during a downpour.

I love you with all my butt, dad, father’s day, parenting, children

Some of the kid quotes give you the feels. Some are just odd and make you wish that they were so like the one kid who asked, “Is that a mirror or is that a way out of here?” As an adult hearing this and having seen numerous movies, her query makes sense. However, for a child, who has most likely not seen those films or knows the cultural reference behind them make me want to hear what else that kid says.

I Love You With All My Butt is laugh filled hoot for dads. For the geeky, pop culture dads, It’s a more appropriate Father’s Day gift than an introspective book that’ll make them ponder about the nuances of being a father. Bully on that, those dads want to laugh and see the bright, silly, surreal side of being a parent and I Love You With All My Butt covers that and more.



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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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