Legion of Super Heroes, Legion of Super Heroes Bugs Bunny, bugs bunny, cars 3, graphic novel, cars 3 graphic novel, kid Sherlock, Sherlock, Watson, elementary school, Plants vs. Zombies, paul tobin, zomboss, crazy dave, star wars, all age comics, comic books, star wars color by numbers

New all age comics for June 14, 2017

Welcome to another week where there are some truly stand out comic books. The new all age comics this week are geared more towards boys, but don’t let that keep girls 9 and younger away from seeing them. That’s especially true for these five releases that highlight some of the diversity in this week’s new all age comics.

Legion of Super Heroes, Legion of Super Heroes Bugs Bunny, bugs bunny, cars 3, graphic novel, cars 3 graphic novel, kid Sherlock, Sherlock, Watson, elementary school, Plants vs. Zombies, paul tobin, zomboss, crazy dave, star wars, all age comics, comic books, star wars color by numbers

Cars 3

This film gets the quality right in the Cars franchise and makes its film predecessor come off like a cheap cartoon. Cars 3 graphic novel essentially tells the story of the current film, so don’t read it first unless you don’t want to spoil the surprise. And that’s the hook; there is a twist in the film that people might not see that totally works. Even with that aside Cars 3 is a winner and this graphic novel will take kids through the story at their own pace.

Legion of Super Heroes Bugs Bunny

Last week saw the 2000 re-release of the Bugs and Supes mash up. This week has Legion of Super Heroes, Bugs Bunny. The premise is classic Bugs Bunny. He falls asleep in his rabbit hole that is on Clark Kent’s farm, but this time a robot from the future is beside him when does so. The robot blasts him to the far away future where the super heroes are expecting to see Super Boy from the past, but instead meets Bugs Bunny.

Kid Sherlock

It’s Sherlock and Watson, set in elementary school. This take is so different that it doesn’t qualify as ‘Muppet babies’ for us. This is fresh, quirky and clever stuff that just might encourage young readers to dig into the source material Kid Sherlock will be OK for any age, but kids older than 6 might need help reading it on their own.

Plants vs. Zombies

It was last year when comic creator and workaholic Paul Tobin stopped the monthly Plants vs. Zombies comic book. Dark Horse said that they’d produce original graphic novels with Zomboss and Crazy Dave and Plants vs. Zombies, Volume 7, Battle Extravagonzo is here. Kids 7 and up will love this series. They’ve played the game and the comic book is even better.

Star Wars Color By Numbers

Have Star Wars, will color. Star Wars, Color By Numbers is meant for young adults and older. Shade away and color from episode 1 through Rogue One. Look for this with the books or order it online for easiest delivery.

The music in the podcast is from Ending Satellites. It’s some of the best stuff we’ve heard this year, listen to it without us talking and it’s even better.





Despicable Me coloring book

























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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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