Whistlefritz: a total immersion language program that kids will enjoy-Giveaway!

Prior to being a dad I taught ESL for two years.  I’m a big proponent for children learning a second language ASAP.  I also know that the best way to learn is total immersion.  The problem with children learning a second language is that they start too late and it isn’t total immersion in some educational instances.  Whistlefritz is a learning language program for children.  Their Spanish program has been out for a while and we got the chance to review some of their newly released French program.

Young people playing the xylophone

Continue reading Whistlefritz: a total immersion language program that kids will enjoy-Giveaway!

Low hanging gift fruit: ProFlowers for Valentine’s Day giveaway #Spon

Valentine’s Day and procrastination go hand in hand around here.  From a creative perspective, I embrace procrastination.  From a gift giving perspective I try not to do it, but it sometimes falls between the cracks in the sofa.   Caring for the kids during the day and working at night puts my time (and yours) at a premium.  ProFlowers has provided us with 2 $100 vouchers to give away to two readers who may, or may not be procrastinating for Valentine’s Day.

Tulips by ProFlowers

Continue reading Low hanging gift fruit: ProFlowers for Valentine’s Day giveaway #Spon

Pity the lawyers that don’t earn enough for a house husband

Time magazine had an article recently on super achieving moms on Wall Street and their stay-at-home husbands.  The same author did a follow up piece on her blog that broke it down even further about being a house husband to a power mom on Wall Street.    Her conclusion and the comments  on the Time website offer insight into both sides.  They also provide a compelling argument for tort reform and a good excuse to lovingly smack any lawyer who thinks that they don’t earn enough money.

1024px-Honoré_Daumier_018 lawyers

Continue reading Pity the lawyers that don’t earn enough for a house husband

Free Date Night Ideas for this week in Alpharetta

Living in Alpharetta presents people with lots of things to do on date night.  We have a rule in our house that date night must occur at least once a month.  If we get lucky then date night will happen more than once and if we get super lucky then it’ll be a free date night!  This week in Alpharetta presents frugal couples with multiple options to get their date on, while saving a bit of cash. 

Welcome to Alpharetta Continue reading Free Date Night Ideas for this week in Alpharetta

Of long marriages, Charles Schultz, Peanuts and forgotten MLK quotes

You may have heard about the really sweet story from Ohio this past week.  An elderly couple, married for 65 years died within 11 hours of each other.  Harold Knapke was 91 and his wife, Ruth was 89.  They raised six children and they saw their closeness in passing as ‘a final act of love’.   Whenever I hear stories like that I’m reminded of Charles Schultz, Peanuts and a not so famous quote from MLK. Continue reading Of long marriages, Charles Schultz, Peanuts and forgotten MLK quotes

Streaming movies on Vudu is not magic, but it sure makes viewing easy

Streaming movies sounds so hip and modern.  If that were the case then I would be akin to a cartoon caveman, still moving his car around with his feet.  Our computer is not hooked up to the TV (yet….) and until recently streaming movies sounded like something more George Jetson than Fred Flintstone. Continue reading Streaming movies on Vudu is not magic, but it sure makes viewing easy

Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Date night for married folks can take many forms.  Sometimes it’s a spontaneous night on the sofa or perhaps an evening that’s planned out where you get a baby sitter and actually leave the house.  It is so important for couples to leave the house once in a while.  We do have those nights, but more often than not we have movie night at Chez Mojo. Continue reading Date night: Food for A Cabin in the Woods #CouchCritics

Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

Because I drive the kids around most of the radio stations can’t be listened to because the music is too coarse for young ears.  My motto is that if they have to bleep out words, then it’s a station I don’t listen to with the kids.  It was shortly after driving with the kids that I started listening to country music. Continue reading Lessons learned from disappointment and country music

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