Hanging out in the Skylanders SWAP Force video game truck

The other week we were offered the chance to host a video game that was stocked with Skylanders SWAP Force.  Skylanders SWAP Force takes some of the characters from the original game with and puts them in a new world with a new element-swapability.  Take the top half from one, switch it out with the bottom from another and you’ve got the powers of two Skylanders in one.

Skylanders SWAP Force people playing

How did this happen?  The Skylanders were out over the Cloudbreak Islands when a magical volcano erupted, switching up the Skylanders and blowing them to Earth.  Kaos is also back with a whole new plan to dominate and challenge the game playing abilities of folks everywhere.

For example, Roller Brawl and Pop Thorn are two of the main characters.  Take the top of Roller, put it on the bottom and you’ve got Roller Thorn and Pop Brawl.  Place the action figure onto the Portal of Power and they’re transported into the video game.  Each character has a different personality and separate abilities.   There are 250 character varieties that you can create.

Skylanders SWAP Force has several game play modes including Sole Survival, Team Survival, Rival Mode, Battle Area and Ring Out Mode.

Skylanders SWAP Force was just released the day before when our video game truck arrived.  The players (90% of them children ages 7-14) didn’t need any help figuring out the game, controller or how the figure interacted with the game.  For the record, the 10% of adults didn’t need any help either, although they were a bit more challenging to get out the truck.  🙂

Skylanders SWAP Force is on the screen 5


Skylanders SWAP Force is available on all gaming systems and is rated E10+ by the ERSB.  It features cartoonish violence.  We posted lots of photos from the event on our Google + page.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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