CatDog, the complete series hits DVD exclusively at Wal-Mart

Millennia from now when people dig up entertainment time capsules from the 90’s they might, depending on the size of the capsule, find the complete series of CatDog in there.  CatDog aired on Nickelodeon from 1998-2005 and has that look of Ren and Stimpy without being as crude, for better or worse.  It’s the tell-tale animation that looks distinctive, rough and usually has characters with lots of moxie.

Think of CatDog in terms of being more refined than Ren and Stimpy but less refined than Hey Arnold!  The same can be said of the warmth and personality of Hey Arnold!  CatDog isn’t as emotive as that, but has more feeling than Ren or Stimpy.

CatDog are brothers.  The cat is smart and the dog is impulsive, lovable and more likely to get into trouble. They’re also conjoined twins who do things, chase cats, eat bacon and entertain children aged 8-12 like it’s going out of style.

I had never seen the show, but immediately recognized the vocal talent in CatDog including Tom Kenny and Jim Cummings to name a few.  If you’re watching the show for the first time it’ll feel a little rushed and incomplete.   It also didn’t undergo any remastering, which really isn’t necessary in this case, but the copy on the discs is not stellar.

However, mention CatDog to a 20-30 year old guy, they’ll go bonkers and say that they loved it.  The complete series on DVD is available exclusively at Wal-Mart.

We received a copy of CatDog for review purposes, all thoughts are our own.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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