PJ Masks, official blogger for pj masks, superheroes, connor, catboy, amaya, owlette, Gregg, gecko, romeo, night ninja, luna girl, toys

Daddy Mojo-proud to be an Official Blogger for PJ Masks

Children are interesting the way that they discover the next ‘it’ show amongst their peers. For our 6 year old that show is PJ Masks. He came home one day talking about it and all but chastised me for not watching it-yet.  Of course since then we’ve seen many episodes and he’s eager to point out which one is his favorite.  Suffice it to say he is over the moon that we are an Official Blogger for PJ Masks.

PJ Masks, official blogger for pj masks, superheroes, connor, catboy, amaya, owlette, Gregg, gecko, romeo, night ninja, luna girl, toys

PJ Masks is a show that will appeal to pre school kids through elementary school. They’re a team of six kids who are also superheroes. Connor transforms into Catboy, whose powers are like that of a cat, he’s fast, can climb things and has great senses, but really doesn’t like water. Amaya becomes Owlette, who can fly and has superior vision. Gregg’s alter ego is Gekko, he’s super strong, able to climb anything and can become invisible or blend in with other colors. Each member becomes their super hero alter ego when they turn on their bracelets, which are linked to their pajamas. The costumes appear and they go forth to fight age appropriate villains.

Did you get the part about them being in their pajamas? Young fans of PJ Masks will likewise get into their pajamas a little easier at night also. That is a parenting win.

Gregg, Amaya and Connor go to school during the day and face some age appropriate problems that a typical 6 year-old faces. These challenges are dealt with in a different manner when they battle either Romeo, Luna Girl or Night Ninja, who are the baddies in PJ Masks.

Because we’re an Official Blogger for PJ Masks we’ll get the heads up on any news, toy, events, episodes and more. You need news on PJ Masks we’re your one stop shop.

Published by

Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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