Baby Einstein Ocean Exploration Play Pad: great quality, but too loud

We love us some Baby Einstein in this house.  When our oldest was first born we stocked up on anything Baby Einstein that we could find at a certain price point.  Some of it came from garage sales and some new from the stores, depending on what it was.  The Ocean Exploration Play Pad from Baby Einstein combines elements of previous activities for babies.  It’s a great interactive learning tool that’s missing one key thing-a volume switch.

Baby Einstein Ocean Exploration Play Pad

The Ocean Exploration Play Pad teaches children 3 months and up colors and four sea animals their names in French, Spanish or English.  Each animal has a different fabric or texture that lets small hands feel them or hear the crunching sounds.  The visuals for the fish, turtle, octopus and star fish are equally as charming for young children to look at.

On the left side of the play pad is the switch that goes between languages with two main buttons that switch it from colors to animals.  What’s missing from the Ocean Exploration Play Pad is a volume switch.  Believe me, I feel like an old man on the corner yelling ‘get off my lawn’ talking about volume, but here’s why I think this toy needs one.

Baby Einstein Ocean Exploration Play Pad close up

Our children used their Baby Einstein toys like this mostly when they were in their crib.  If a child is laying down while using the Ocean Exploration Play Pad the speaker will be too close to their ears.   Disclaimer, I’m not an audiologist.  However, we compared this toy to every other like age toy, including the other Baby Einstein products and it was far louder than all of them.  Its volume was even more contrasted when we placed the other toys on a lower volume.

I looked in the battery compartment.  I looked all over this toy for the volume switch that goes between less and more, like every other Baby Einstein product we have, but there isn’t one.

This is a really great toy that teaches all sorts of concepts to small children.  However, you need to monitor them with it to ensure that they don’t lie on the speaker or use it too excessively.  If that’s the case and you’ll be around all the time then this is for you.  If you’ll put it in their crib then you may want to consider the Baby Einstein Color Kaleidoscope.  That toy just teaches colors in French, English & Spanish, but does it in a sensible volume.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “Baby Einstein Ocean Exploration Play Pad: great quality, but too loud”

  1. Hiii,
    My name is Judy , I just visited your site and found some informative content on exploration toys. They are really good!

    I have two new born babies (Twins), and being a mother I always try that my kids would learn something while playing and those learning toys, ocean exploration play pad toy seems like they would be great for my kids.

    They really seems to be creative and interactive learning tools. My kids have awesome grasping and imagination skills as I feel. I am very sure that these toys will be beneficial for them and let those imaginations run wild with all of the things they would build.

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