October Mojo


October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month.  Visit our firiends at Petfinder.com to find a critter near you.

October is also National Breat Cancer Awareness Month.  The 3 Day Walks that happen around the country are a great way to help spread awareness and support.

The first week in October is National Get Organized Week.  Throw out clutter, it’ll help you get organized and you’ll be able to blog more, play with your kids, tweet, facebook or blog more.

October 1 is World Vegetarian Day.  Tofu can be good, we promise.

Halloween is at the end of the month.  Have you picked out your costume yet?

October 1, the first Saturday in October is International Frugal Fun Day.  Clark Howard, know him, love him.

October 4 is National Golf Day.  Go play, it’s fall, the weather is amazing too.

October 5 is World Teachers Day.  Teachers we love.  Your unions….that’s another story.

October 7 is Bald and Shiny Day.  Shout out to Telly Savalas, RIP.

October 8 is World Egg Day.

October 9 is Fire Prevention Day.  New alarms can be purchased from SafeMart.com, a growing company in the field.

October 11 Columbus Day.  The Second Monday of October every year we honor the U.S.’ favorite Spanaird.

October 14 is National Dessert Day.  Not national desert day, that’s dry and desolate.  Dessert Day is tasty with chocolate or apples….

October 15 is National White Cane Safety Day.  It celebrates the blind and visually impaired.

October 16 is National Newspaper Carrier Day.  While decreasing, loads of folks get the newspaper still and these people get up at O Dark hundred to bring it to you.

October 17 is Wear Something Gaudy Day.

October 19 is Evaluate Your Life Day.

October 21 is National Babbling Day.  Toddlers and people who talk too much rejoice.

October 23 is National Make a Difference Day.  This is rather cool.  Do something, anything to make a difference, volunteer, call an old friend-do something to make a difference.

October 23 is National TV Talk Show Host Day.  Do these folks really need a day….I’m looking at you Behar. 

October 24 is United Nations Day.  In theory a good thing, like a Justice League for the World, in practice it sometimes provides hateful third world countries an equal standing to productive ones.

October 27 is National Tell a Story Day (in the UK).  Gather in libraries, tell stores, celebrate Guy Fawkes and drink tea.

Octboer 28 is Plush Animal Lover’s Day.  Oy, really?  Thankfully, there is little to back up this ‘holiday’ so celebrate by selling a collectible plush doll on eBay.

October 29 is Hermit Day.  Finally, a day for Mojo.  Be quiet, stay inside and chill.

October 30 is National Candy Corn Day.  Shocker the day before Halloween…

October 31 is Halloween.  Trick or Treat, say it, mean it.  Don’t just show up at my door with an open bag looking cute.  It’s trick or treat and the Mojo house is old school trick.

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