Newton and Curie The Science Squirrels, fun STEM for K-4

As a teacher, I know that math and science are fun. Yet, when I mention this to most elementary-aged students, the vocal minority will groan, and the silent majority just might go along with this trope. When this happens I immediately pivot to a real-life instance that could illustrate whatever math or science lesson I’m teaching that day. Newton and Curie The Science Squirrels is an illustrated book that addresses simple machines that elementary students will learn about in third or fourth grade. The book introduces them to these machines via a soft, pleasant story that those younger ages will be able to understand, with the assistance of two smart squirrels.

STEM-tastic illustrated reading for early elementary

This Is The Glade Where Jack Lives, an offbeat, charming tale

I just had to look up the difference between a glade and a moor, essentially one is reserved for shooting while the other is merely an open space in a forest. This Is The Glade Where Jack Lives immediately reminded me of the book that it reminded you of. This Is The House That Jack Built is that backward told tale that was as great as the person reading it to you. If the reader is full of emotion and passion, then the story leaped off of the page. This Is The Glade Where Jack Lives, Or How a Unicorn Saved the Day takes that template, amps up the silly factor, and adds some fabulous illustrations to make a great good-night that will leave kids four-eight laughing regardless of when they read it.

This is the book, kids rightly mistook for a great good-night read

Ghosts Unveiled!, pitch-perfect, non-fiction scares for ages 9 and up

One of our favorite books from 2019 was Creepy and True Mummies Exposed! Certainly, a major part of my initial curiosity in that book was the fact that I’ve loved mummies, the science of them, cultures that perfected them, and the ghoulish specter that exists inside my imagination of seeing them. The layout and presentation that book was perfect because it blended science, travel, adventure, and imagination into one package that was great for middle school readers and up. Author Kerrie Logan Hollihan dives into the series again with Creepy and True Ghosts Unveiled! It has the same presentation that I loved in the first book but looks at a topic that is difficult to actually prove.

Spooks, ghosts and the content/presentation to engage middle school

First Names: Harry Houdini -nonfiction that young readers can believe in

Books that capture the attention of elementary or middle school readers need to be entertaining. It’s a bonus if said books can fun and leave those young readers with a smile on their face or a sense of wonder. Rare is the book that can be entertaining and fun, all the while doing it in a non-fiction book that upper elementary aged readers will enjoy. First Names is a line of books from Abrams Books for Young Readers and if this first book is any indication of their things to come it’ll be a go-to series for this age group. First Names: Harry Houdini by Kjartan Poskitt with illustrations by Geraint Ford is a book that has you smiling from couple pages into the book and weaves a breathlessly true tale that you don’t know.

First Names: Harry Houdini is a non-fiction, highly illustrated book for ages 9-16 that is fun to read, in addition to being entertaining and educational.
This book reads like an adventure-comedy and kids 8 and (way up…) will love it
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