New babies: a primer on communication

When Baby Mojo was first born my greatest fear was ‘how will I know what to do?’  Even though you have nine months to prepare for their arrival the pressure about what to do and when to do it is the underlying albatross for most parents.   We were talking one day and Daddy Mojo said something along the lines of my greatest fear aloud.  Continue reading New babies: a primer on communication

I’m keeping tabs on my neighbors

Even before I was a stay at home dad my ability to remember names in a timely manner left lots to be desired.   At previous jobs and social gatherings there were people who I genuinely wanted to know, but couldn’t remember their names.  I’ve tried mnemonic devices, like associating somebody with an action or thing that will trigger their name with something.  They do work occasionally, but then I have to remember somebody else’s name and the whole process gets gummed up inside my head.  Continue reading I’m keeping tabs on my neighbors

Death of a (kid) salesman

Recently a local junior high school kid from the neighborhood knocked on our door.  He was selling something for glee club and asked if I would help support them.  Sure thing kid, I watch Glee, I’m down with your creative vocal talents, let’s see this catalogue of nuts, food or chocolate.

Either this club had huge overhead or the school hadn’t shopped around for efficient fundraisers because the lowest price item was $13. Yup, the items peaked at $45 and started at a Stromboli that our budding vocalist assured me was very good.  Continue reading Death of a (kid) salesman

A dad reviews the ads for ‘Life As We Know It’

October is a fabulous time of the year.  Every weekend has beautiful weather, there are numerous festivals and it’s great just to open the windows, nap or read.  With all of these pleasant activities it sure would take something magical to drag me out to the movie theatre.

Thankfully Life As We Know It seems to have nothing redeeming to drag the common dad away from relaxing at home. 

I was thumbing through a magazine and saw this advertisement for the movie. Continue reading A dad reviews the ads for ‘Life As We Know It’

Tips for toddlers and new parents

Prior to being a dad I had heard all the clichés, they grow up quickly and time flies by.   Never being one to adhere to what people say, I knew that my time as a dad would be different.  However, 11 months in, all of those overused clichés are true, so very true. 

We did prep ourselves, just in case they turned out to be correct and that preparation wasn’t enough.  If you’re a new parent, you’ve purchased the books and talked to friends here are four tips to reinforce what you’ve been told. Continue reading Tips for toddlers and new parents

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