Making babies and the many roads of a child’s conversation

Perhaps it should be called the autobahn or the cul-de-sac of a child’s conversation.  It’s those times when you’re innocently talking to a child and they open up a whole new dimension of where you were planning on going with the conversation.  Sometimes it’s an innocent cul-de-sac where the conversation goes round and round while other times it takes that light speed to Endor jump from innocent to hold me tightly, I need a moment. This is a combination of the two of those streets.

Making babies and the many roads of a child’s conversation

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Brothers are more than siblings, aren’t they?

Recently Charlie had to go to the doctor,  he was in pain when something remarkable happened. Mom and the two boys went to the doctor and Charlie was not at all pleased about the trip. Sure there is a Burger King across the street that we sometimes get ice cream from after our visit there.  But this time he knew that the visit was 100% about him and his pain and that thought did not sit well in his three and a half year old mind.

Brothers are more than siblings, aren’t they

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Ramblings of children: The fur on my arm is getting longer

When you drive children around in the car it’s a conversation roulette wheel. Sometimes it’s meaningless whispers and other times it’s priceless conversation akin to learning a second language.

Jake:  “The fur on my arm is getting longer”
Note: when you’re a parent you learn to think in the abstract. Your kid may seem like he’s muttering without purpose or syntax, but you can understand them. Thus, when he said this-and after a quick look back in the rear view mirror I knew what he was talking about.

The fur on my arm is getting longer

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Being happy isn’t hard according to The Candy Newspaper

As another school year ends I’m taking note of the little things that will not be the same next year. Our oldest will start kindergarten and his younger brother will continue speech classes at the same elementary school. We’re doing our errands, dropping them off here and there and I realize that this is the most time I will ever spend with them. That is much more of a blessing than a curse and I need to remind myself of that from time to time.

Being happy isn’t hard according to The Candy Newspaper

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The Cosco NEXT Convertible car seat is light, priced right and compact

Having a baby means a whole new department of product education. One of the biggest entries in that category are car seats. We were offered the chance to review the Cosco NEXT Convertible Car Seat.  Baby car seats run the gamut with bells, whistles and colors, but at the end of the day all you, as the parent want is for it to be safe, just in case an accident happens.

The Cosco NEXT Convertible car seat is light, priced right and compact

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Our Oncologist, paranoid thoughts and the baby store

It was our first trip to the Oncologist since a friend of ours died of brain cancer. Cancer is a weird thing and it’s important not to let it twist your thoughts. The (very tiny) paranoid area of my brain would freak out when I had a headache just after his death.  No, it’s just a headache and that’s why you go to the doctor to confirm that everything is OK. This was our almost two year appointment after being diagnosed with melanoma.

Our Oncologist, paranoid thoughts and the baby store

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Is it possible to love someone too much?

At the risk of burying the lede, the headline is not meant to be hyperbole. Rather, it’s a reminder that kids say the darndest things and it’s one of the jobs of parents to try and remember as many of them as possible. A five year old is full of so many other emotions that they can’t process in a timely manner.   We’re used to most of the chaos and love, but the other day he said something that was utterly unexpected and beyond his years.

Is it possible to love someone too much

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Gaunt and skinny, Mr. Potato Head and parenting expectations

The next best place to an airport to people watch is the food court.  The boys and I were having ice cream and the eldest snickered at someone walking by.  “It’s not nice to laugh at people”, I said.  I looked up to see what had attracted his attention and did a double take.  He was a teen that looked as close to someone in person as one of the Twins from The Matrix as you could imagine.  Granted, he was shorter and wasn’t wearing a trench coat; but he was the suburbia twin looking for Neo, or perhaps ice cream.

Gaunt and skinny, Mr. Potato Head and parenting expectations


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