Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs

The set up is simple.  Countless Dad blogs enter the online octagon to make the list that Circle of Moms will put out for their Top 25 Dad Blogs.  You click on a link that votes for said Dad Blog and only the Top 25 Dad Blogs remain.  It’s kind of like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome and Circle of Moms is playing the Tina Turner part.

There are lots of great blogs on this list.  Why would exposure on Circle of Moms help out Daddy Mojo?  We’ve thought up a couple reasons that you’re welcome to read, but if you want to go ahead and vote for us please do so now.  You can vote once a day until April 5.


Reasons why you should vote for Daddy Mojo

#1.  We made you think of Tina Turner with the Mad Max reference.

#2.  We haven’t written enough the stories about how our readers will inherit our vast fortune.*

#3.  Because Circle of Dads just.  doesn’t.  sound.  Right.

#4.  Because we’re trying to establish DIY a SAHD can do as a tax break for us as a ‘work expense’.

#5.  Until the next Austin Powers movie comes out, the word Mojo needs to be kept alive in the popular vernacular. Remember, you can vote once a day until April 5.


*Those stories will never be written.  Our vast fortune consists of cat and dog hair that we pile up to make Chia Pets that are simply put, too realistic.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

4 thoughts on “Daddy Mojo tries to make the Top 25 Circle of Moms Dad Blogs”

  1. Found you on the list and just cast my vote.

    I read your man cave adventure post. Thanks for the review of “Predator”. Maybe I am old school, but up to this point in my life, I’ve yet to see any cool remakes of the classics.

    We took my daughters (all three of them) to go see the new “Karate Kid”, I know, not a man cave topic,
    but just to make my point, it wasn’t as good as the Ralph Machio version.

    I am glad that I found your blog. My blog has somewhat been dead for some time. However, seeing the list of top 25 blogger dads has INSPIRED me to get off my butt… thanks!

    1. True Eric. Karate Kid wasn’t bad, it was just OK. With time as valuable as ours OK just doesn’t cut it. That plus I wanted to see more Jackie Chan. Blog on dude.

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