Thingy Things by Chris Raschka are offbeat fun that toddlers will love

My wife and I had the sing song discussion prior to having children.  That discussion was essentially that we would not ‘baby talk’ to our kids.  The Thingy Things book series by Chris Raschka may seem like a very basic, baby style book based on its cover.  However, as the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover.   These books are creative, goofy stories about animals-all the while using bigger vocabulary that your child can understand, but may not have seen in books yet.

A review of Cowy Cow by  Chris Raschka-Daddy Mojo

We got to look over two books in the Thingy Things series, Crabby Crab and Cowy Cow.  Even by the titles you can tell that these books are squarely aimed at the 2-4 age range.  Their length of 15 pages with text on half of them is right on target for that age group.  It’s a good book to read when they need a moment to chill out or read multiple shorter books for bedtime.

Neither book has a plot per se.  What the books in Thingy Things have in common is that they’re whimsical, goofy, have big type and dreamy art.  They also make you smile.  They’re simple books that you’ll enjoy reading to your young child for a number of reason.

A still of Crabby Crab by Chris Raschka

Crabby Crab for example starts with crab showing off his claws, but he really wants fingers.  His claws are pointed the wrong direction and he wants to walk straight.

A still of Cowy Cow by Chris Raschka

To an adult, simply reading the words to Thingy Things sounds as odd as Benedict Cumberpatch reading R. Kelly.  However, when you read Thingy Things to a 2-4 year old they get it.  They’ll grin, laugh, touch the pages and again, the books are short enough that you can read them over and over without getting tired.

Another bonus of short books are a lower price point.  At around $6.50 they’re affordable, hardback and durable enough for small hands to turn the pages.


We received copies of the books for promotional purposes.  All thoughts are our own. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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