Super Dinosaur 23 rips apart expectations for an all age comic

One of the best reviewed all age comic books in recent memory is Super Dinosaur.  It’s the story of Derek Dynamo, a ten-year old boy and his best friend a nine-foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex. They play video games, fight other monsters, various baddies and have fun.   It’s a great comic for any age, but they dropped off the map with issue 22 in February, 2014.  Super Dinosaur 23 is here, it’s great, but don’t get too comfortable with the characters.

Super Dinosaur 23 cover

It’s not that Super Dinosaur 23 offers major changes with Derek, SD or the other characters.

The issue picks up where 22 ended with a major battle between Super Dinosaur, the Dynamo family and the Dino-Men.  Right from the first panel there is big dino chomping action, a taut story line and bright, vivid colors.

Super Dinosaur 23 art

Sarah, (Derek’s mom)has just detonated a bomb that affected the DNA of the Dino-Men.  Unfortunately it also made Super Dinosaur sick.  SD is headed to the hospital where they’re trying to find a cure when the skies open up and a fleet of UFOs come down.  Out walks a Reptiloid who is intent on conquering Earth.

Where the comic really succeeds is in the humanity and relationships that it brings forth between Derek and SD.  There is one panel where the two of them are shown, SD is laid down, headed to hospital and simply says to Derek that he’s scared.  It’s simple, but really effective.  Likewise some of the panels that show the human family bonding or talking are more emotional and impactful than one would expect from a comic book, much less an all age comic book.

Super Dinosaur 23 art, aliens invading

Unfortunately at the end of the book, one of the series creators (Robert Kirkman) acknowledges during some question from readers that the series is taking a break.   It’s not going away, but it’s taking a break.  He also disclosed that many non-comic things have been happening with Super Dinosaur.  That could be a feature length movie or television show, either way it has great source material.

Bottom line, Super Dinosaur 23 is great and even though it’s taking a break is worth your time and money.  It might also encourage you to get one of the three trade paperbacks with their earlier stories.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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