Ghost Book, a graphic novel that’ll immediately go to the forever bookshelf

It has been a long time since I’ve been so engrossed in a graphic novel. Ghost Book by Remy Lai is a graphic novel that is utterly putdownable. That is not a real word. However, there needs to be a word that book reviewers use every once in a rare while to describe a book that upends their senses and makes them stop what they’re doing. For me it was my planning period when I should’ve been getting papers ready for a group of high school students. I needed a break so I started reading Ghost Book and then 30 minutes later I stopped.

Ghost Book is a graphic novel that’s an effortless master class in storytelling. It’s a big story told in a way that’s not confusing and breathlessly entertaining.

Continue reading Ghost Book, a graphic novel that’ll immediately go to the forever bookshelf

Fantasy Sports 1: The Court of Souls, graphic novel kinetic enjoyment

If the potential fun of Space Jam, the kinetic energy of anime and aspects of the absurd from Ren & Stimpy, mixed in with a bit of magic, all had a graphic novel baby it would look something like Fantasy Sports 1: The Court of Souls by Sam Bosma. There’s so much to love about The Court of Souls that audiences might not be sure as to why they are attracted to the graphic novel. It’s an oversized graphic novel that reads like a classic comic book with anime roots in a story that’s set in a magical time where magic, zombies and monsters rule. This is the sort of book that, like a mother cat corralling her kittens by the nape of their necks to move them from location to another, will relocate reluctant readers from one area to another.

Fantasy Sports 1: The Court of Souls is a large format graphic novel that ensnares manga, sports, action and humor readers all within its web.
So many interest areas in this book, which one do you think you aren’t?

The Solvers Mission 1: The DivMulti Ray Dilemma does new math proud

Remember the “new math” joke from a couple of years ago? Parents of elementary school-age students realized that division and multiplication had a slightly different way of being taught. It’s not “new” per se, it’s just described using the commutative property, which is also a very quick way to learn craps. The Solvers is an interactive graphic novel series that entertains and educates. The DivMulti Ray Dilemma is the first in the series that manages to explain division and multiplication in a way that new and old math people can understand and does so with a strong superhero story that will guide those reluctant math readers.

The Solvers: The DivMulti Ray Dilemma is a math graphic novel that runs with energy, entertainment and education.
Graphic novel + Fun + Math = mastery of the subject

A Sky of Paper Stars, an imaginative graphic novel on grieving and death

Kids of a certain age think that everything revolves around them. Heck, some adults haven’t realized it yet and still think that everything revolves around them. They’re the only one who has experienced whatever circumstance they’re wrestling with and nobody is capable of understanding or relating to their issues. I was that way as a kid and I see children in classrooms every day who are wrangling with those same emotions. A Sky of Paper Stars by Susie Yi is a graphic novel that tackles all of that, with a side order of cultural differences, maybe a yokai and a death in the family. It blends all of those things together, with an added sense of wonder to create a book that gives you the feels and makes you think.

A Sky of Paper Stars is a graphic novel on death and grieving that manages to not be too heavy, concentrating on the support and love, but acknowledging the loss.
A graphic novel with heart and feels

Enlightened is an affable graphic novel on the first half of Buddha’s life

When I was a teenager I saw The Last Temptation of Christ. I was no budding theologian; it was the fact that the movie was being picketed that piqued my attention. Enlightened is not the graphic novel, Buddhist version of that experience. This is the lightly fictionalized story about the early years of Siddhartha, the human who would later be known as Gautama Buddha.

Enlightened is a graphic novel that’s far from sufferable on Siddhartha, the young prince who became Buddha, with stark colors and vivid illustrations.
The path is strong with this book

Investigators: All Tide Up, the seventh in the series shows no signs of age

As an adult, I know better than to laugh at repeated uses of puns. It’s the low end of the bad-dad joke pool.  I know that some would say that’s an impossibility, but there’s a distinct difference between puns and dad jokes, plus billiards is a highly underappreciated sport.  Investigators is a go-to series of all-age graphic novels and the seventh entry in it is All Tide Up. This series of graphic novels breaks the fourth wall, is loaded to the brim with puns, has colors that immediately give it a ‘classic’ vibe, and still maintains one of the highest laugh-to-page ratios that readers will encounter.

Investigators: All Tide Up is the seventh entry into this all-age-graphic novel series that continues to deliver laughs and puns aplenty.
Here be puns, and lots of humor to be had for ages 8 and up

Along Came A Radioactive Spider, the story behind Spidey’s other creator

It’s obvious to pop-culture or comic book fans from the book’s title, Along Came A Radioactive Spider, that Spider-Man is central to the plot of the story. The book’s subtitle, Strange Steve Ditko and the Creation of Spider-Man, fills in some of the blanks and might introduce some elementary school-age readers to the other man behind the spider. He was the peanut butter to Stan Lee’s chocolate and the man who helmed the illustrated manifestation of Spider-Man, Steve Ditko. This illustrated book moves with the same kinetic energy as a great comic book in presenting the strange aspect of how Ditko was perceived and his impact on the publishing world.

Along Came A Radioactive Spider uses effective, attention-getting art and the inspiring story of Steve Ditko that’ll entertain and motivate readers.
Spidey fan or not, young readers will dig this book

Eerie Tales from the School of Screams, a macabre all-age graphic novel

School-age children want to be scared. Nay, school-age children need to experience scary, spooky, well-told stories that shake their skin. They don’t need to be able to quote dialogue from some Korean horror film or break down their favorite Saw entry, but they need to see some darkness, even if it’s splattered with music, humor or thought. Eerie Tales from the School of Screams is a graphic novel that oozes with things that go bump in the night. Its thick presence, patient pacing, and varied short stories elicit a variety and genuine dread, with just a grimace of awareness that makes this graphic novel resonate with those aged eight and up.

Eerie Tales from the School of Screams is an all-age graphic novel that doubles as all-age horror. It’s scary, whilst maintaining humor, heart and creativity.
All-age graphic novel and all-age horror meet in a bar….
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