Whose day is it anyway?

I know that men aren’t supposed to use ‘sweet’ unless you’re talking about food, but the other day Mommy Mojo came home and said the sweetest thing.

“I just can’t thank you enough for staying home with our son, I know it’s difficult, you put your career on hold and it really means so much to us”  And suddenly I was in the middle of a Lifetime movie and the only thing missing was a walk in cameo from Meredith Baxter Birney.

I jest, but it really was a sweet comment that I needed after an especially hard day of baby tantrums.  It also helped remind me of how well the arrangement between us works.

During the week, I do most of the things relating to Baby Mojo.  Mom may help feed him in morning, or mercifully, help him get dressed, but that’s it.  During the weekend Mom has most of the work and I’ll hop in when needed.

Most of the parents around us don’t seem to break up the baby duties along daily lines.  For us, it’s a lifesaver:  Mom gets loads of quality time on Saturday & Sunday, I can relax, listen to my 70’s Soft Rock Pandora stationhttp://bit.ly/56aY61 (it rocks, in a mellow 70s way and is great for all Dads)  or go for a bike ride.

The weekend off helps me get my Mojo back, gives Mom her maternal Mojo and starts Monday off on the right foot for a good week of parenting.   

That’s one of the unexpected things about being a dad, I think I’ve learned to share more.  My procrastination has also gotten a little better, partially because of the fact that my new 18 pound client won’t take “no” for an answer.

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