“Do you get tired during the week?”

As previously mentioned in my ramblings, I’m a stay at home dad and care for Jake during the week.  On the weekends Mom steps in so I can read comics, nap, climb trees and do other guy type activities.

One Saturday I passed Mom in the kitchen while Jake was rolling around on the floor.

“Do you get tired during the week?”, she asked. 

“Yes, I’m exhausted during the week and it’s all because of this energy sponge, just sucking our lifeforce”, I said.  I knew that she was joking because she was getting beat down by the 29 week old  screamapillar that I see during the week.  It’s ironic, that the reason for the daddy blog is often the reason that I can’t work or create things for the daddy blog.

However, my off comment about the lifeforce being sucked out of me triggered a memory about a movie that I used to love as a kid.

Ask yourself, what if Species were filmed 12 years earlier, with effects from the mid 80s and a cast of mainly Brits?   Well, you’d have LifeForce, often called ‘space vampries’ because that’s essentially what it is. 

The switch is that the main alien is a hot British girl who spends most of the movie naked while looking for anybody to suck the life out of.  She arrives on Earth because of an exploration that is being done on Halleys Comet. 

Once on earth she starts turning people into charred, barely moving corpses until they eventually violently turn to dust; with lots of nudity, explosions, bad acting and English accents.  Every teenage boy in the 80s needed to see this movie, thankfully I worked at a movie theater at the time.  I must have seen this move more than 30 times. 

Even watching the trailer just now I found myself laughing at the dialogue, remembering the music and really, really wanting to see it.  It’s a magic B movie that took me back to the day.

Last night I heard my wife watching My Stephmother is an Alien.  That was on television and  brought back similar memories to her of being back in the day, minus the naked babe vampires and exploding bodies.  They both did have the bad acting though.

So I liked LifeForce and she liked My Stepmother is an Alien.  Who said raising boys was the same as raising girls?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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