Daddy Mojo reviews: Beaba Formula & Snack Container

Babies, especially when they hit the toddler age need to snack and snack often.  Forget the food and face the perilous onslaught of a multiple octave attack from your previously happy toddler.   At one point in time moms and dads had to have plastic, re-sealable containers that were cheap, disposable and let’s face it, not cool at all.

The Beaba Formula Container looks like a multicolored caterpillar.  In reality it’s a three tiered snack carrying device that just looks really cool.  You can put liquids in the top compartment, leaving the bottom two for cookies, fishes or cereal.

One of the benefits to this is that it’s unique and almost impossible to lose.  Everybody had a clear plastic square thing to cart snacks around in.  This container is utterly unique, highly functional and very easy to clean.

Disclaimer, we were given this product.  When I first received it I thought, ‘sweet, there’s no way I could afford this’.  Disclaimer #2, when you’re one income the ceiling for affordability lowers considerably.

However, in the time that we’ve had the Beaba Formula Container we’ve purchased three packages of square re-sealable containers from the store too.

Bottom line, you get what you pay for.   Those three packages of containers cost Daddy Mojo more than the functional, multicolored caterpillar from Beaba.  Disclaimer #3, that’s not really the name, it’s called Beaba Formula & Snack Container.

It retails for $12, stores all of your babies snacks in a fashionable, compact way.

The Beaba Formula & Snack Container is brought to moms and dads in the U.S by Scandinavian Child.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Daddy Mojo reviews: Beaba Formula & Snack Container”

  1. Very sorry to be all correct-y here, but Beaba is from France 🙁 (It’s a shame, because it works so nicely with be-ABBA, doesn’t it?)

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