Toys for the toddler: Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Camera

Toddlers destroy things.  If a toddler were a mattress they’d have a tag on them that says, “Do not remove this tag or I’ll destroy more things than I would normally”.  Toddlers touch what they shouldn’t, parents stop them, that’s our job.

We have a Nikon D90 that we take pictures with.  It’s a great camera that is worth every penny.  Baby Mojo sees us take pictures of him with this camera and often tries to grab it.   We love our child, but if we can avoid him from smashing or destroying $1,400 worth of technical gear that is a good thing.

When we saw him gravitate towards our camera we decided to get him his own camera.  Thankfully it’s much more affordable.  The Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Camera was purchased at a local store for less than $10 and keeps a toddler occupied for about 45 minutes a day.

45 minutes a day doesn’t sound like much for a toy, but it’s a “go to” type of toy.  Whenever he’s fussy I just grab his little camera.  If he’s trying to play with the fire poker-I grab his camera, take a picture and give it to him.

Unless I’m at the beach taking a photo of a dog holding flowers it doesn’t really take pictures.   That’s the one image that is always pictured on the back of the camera, but what keeps our toddler entertained are the songs.

Press the ‘on’ button, spin the ball in the front of the camera, hit the button that would normally depress the shutter and it all says something educational or sings a song.  It teaches numbers, colors, greetings and feelings.    The toy is durable and can be dropped down a flight of stairs and still work.  Baby Mojo, please don’t try that with my D90.

This toy rocks and will keep your little toddler occupied.  The other day he took his camera and pretended to take a photo of a book that I was reading him.  Once he took the photo he gave the camera to me and toddled away to find a cat to chase.  Our cats love the camera too.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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