Parenting tips from a SAHD-Snacks

My wife and I are very lucky to have a child that loves and (has so far) stuck to a schedule.  He wakes up at the same time, has breakfast, a snack, lunch, nap, dinner, bath and goes to bed each day within ten minutes every day.  It requires a bit of timing and patience, but it allows us to have a nice dinner together and know what to expect during the day with a 17 month old toddler.

Recently though snack time has gotten to be a moving target.  He’ll always have the morning snack at the same time, but he’s developed the ability to eat all morning and then have lunch too.

We were at our local library’s story time, which starts at 10:30, half way between snack and lunch.  I looked around and most of the parents and kids had some snacks out.  My initial thoughts were how rude it was to eat in front of others while the librarian was reading or singing.

By the time I had that thought I noticed Toddler Mojo was wandering around the room looking at the Cheerios and other snacks that parents with foresight had brought.  He made his way around the room until he circled back around to the older girl (twice his age!)  and her mom who was sitting beside us.

This particular cougar was snacking on a rice krispie treat.  However, now she had the treat behind her back because my son was in front of her pointing at the snack.  I told him that it wasn’t ours and to be nice.  It was then that her mother asked very nicely if he wanted one.  Toddler Mojo then grinned from ear to ear and waited for me to open it.

The Takeaway

Always, regardless of what time you leave the house; have snacks in your diaper man bag. *  We didn’t intend to snack, but everybody around us was snacking, so Toddler Mojo by default had to snack.

I’m a Stay At Home Dad.  During the week my son and I go to numerous story times, run countless errands, clean and cook.  You can never get your child working in the kitchen too soon, that’s my motto.  I’m kidding; he only cleans up once we’re done cooking because the flames are too dangerous.    Sometimes I’ll learn things through observing other parents and will pass them along in this column.  The advice is appropriate for all parents, but may occasionally be more directed at men.

*If you have a man diaper bag that’s a different column that I’ll write in about 45 years.



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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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