Dad hears Electrolytes but can only think Electro Woman

The other day Toddler Mojo didn’t have any mojo at all.  He was cranky, yelling at everything and was unpleasant to be around.  If he were 19 years old I would’ve told him to get his own apartment.  However, as he’s 18 months old I knew that something was up with our growing Mojo.

It was then that mom told dad that we needed to give him some Pedialyte.  To be fair, I knew what Pediatlyte does and have used it previously, but I was dazed from the 18 month old air raid siren I had been caring for all day.   “The electrolytes and additional liquid will help blah, blah, blah, blah….”, my wife then went on to say.

I listen to my wife.  I listen to her all the time, even when she talks (for just a little too long) about a story about some couple who did this thing that really helped this child, computer, yard, ninja school or kitten.   I listened to my wife until she said the word electrolyte, then, despite my physical presence in the room I was mentally in front of a TV watching Electro Woman and Dyna Girl.

Sid and Marty Krofft are the visionaries who were behind a number of Saturday morning live action shows in the 70s.  They created Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Land of the Lost and Electro Woman and Dyna Girl, just to name a few.   Most of their shows featured puppets, cheesy special effects and midgets in monster outfits.

Their shows were great as a child.  However, as an adult they are deliciously cheesy and still great.    The brilliance of their shows is that they can cram an entertaining story into a three minute short.   As an adult I know they don’t make any sense, but they are so much fun.

Electra Woman was part of The Krofft Supershow, where it would be mixed up with five other shows that were cut up into short segments.  Even writing this now, I know it doesn’t make sense, but if you watched it then, or watch it now you can’t take your eyes off it.  It’s like a horrible, psychedelic, disco train wreck where nobody gets hurt.

I felt bad that I was in my kitchen and my wife was talking about making sure that our son had enough electrolytes in his system-and all I could think about was this.

Ok, now that you’ve seen it too, try not to watch it again.  Go ahead.  I’ve seen it every day since that moment in the kitchen where we were chatting about the health of our son, blah, blah, blah.  As a young boy I think I like this the best out of all the Sid and Marty Krofft series because of the computers, animals and women.  While I don’t remember it, I think I was hot for Dyna Girl.  Thankfully my wife looks more like Dyna Girl than Electra Woman, but she doesn’t have that smoking spandex suit, yet.

2 thoughts on “Dad hears Electrolytes but can only think Electro Woman”

  1. Sup Mojo,
    Dude, laughed right out loud at my first viewing of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. Gots to view that one at LEAST once a week!

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