Week 20-Mom and Dad, your baby is the size of a cantaloupe!

Dads, this is the halfway point of the pregnancy. However, up until now it’s been a slow build up and the really radical changes are just around the corner. Hint to dads: as the wardrobe of your bride is changing into maternity wear, surprise them with a gift certificate to a shoe store. At this point they may grouse about their clothing, however, shoes will remain the same size, so this gift is great for pregnancy and post pregnancy. Ladies, by this time in your pregnancy you may start to waddle. Don’t let this freak you out, you’re pregnant and many things will happen only during this magical period of your life. With any luck, your husband isn’t making penguin jokes or suggesting that you wear a tuxedo around the neighborhood.

Dads, your wife’s back may start to hurt about this time too. It’s a good idea to suggest that you give her a back rub to help ease the pain of your growing progeny. A favorite back rub technique that Daddy Mojo has learned is to make a fist and slowly grind it into the small of her back. Guys, remember in Die Hard when Bruce Willis made ‘fists with his toes’? Do that, except really do it with your fists, press firmly in their back and turn them slowly into a semi circle.

It's a (boy) Mojo!
It's a (boy) Mojo!

Ladies, isn’t it just amazing to think that in a scant four and a half months your world will forever change? For us it’s going to be a house full of boys. Right now you can feel that little dude kick your belly, but dads can’t feel it yet, no matter how hard they want to. That little guy is the size of a cantaloupe now and can taste what you taste, so be kind to your passenger.

Dads, your wife will still be hyper emotional. They may cry often or at seemingly inappropriate times, like during Publix commercials. Your wife may also be a bit gassier then she usually is. You should cut her some slack because we’re usually gassier than her, so by the time she gives birth it just may equal out a bit. Your little dude (or princess) weighs around 10oz. Everything is going just fine Mom, just relax and go with the flow. Next week: Your baby is the size of a banana!

One thought on “Week 20-Mom and Dad, your baby is the size of a cantaloupe!”

  1. Congrats again! When you get a moment Hit back up on my em to you. If you could I’d appreciate it!

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