Week 21-Mom and Dad your baby is the size of a banana!

Mommy Mojo feels our little dude kick on a daily basis.  Dad doesn’t feel the kick yet.  Moms, you’ll enjoy this 1 on 1 physical dialogue with your baby for a couple more weeks till dad can really feel it.  Some moms won’t feel the kicking yet, don’t panic if you haven’t.  Just relax and enjoy the pregnancy.

By now your little Prince or Princess is about the size of a banana and weighs around 12.7 ounces.  Last week the baby was the size of a cantaloupe.  This week they’re a banana, which I thought was actually smaller than a cantaloupe, but I’m no fruit expert or baby doctor.   Next week your baby will apparently s top growing for a couple weeks and be the size of a papaya.

I asked Mommy Mojo if she was sleepier in the 21rst week of pregnancy.  Her response was, “I’m everything-er.  I’m sleepier, hungrier, bigger and slower.  Hmmm….. Daddy Mojo might add that you’re a bit snappier too.

However dads, that is our onus to bear during the pregnancy.  Yes dear, I’ll clean up the (insert dirty area of house here).  This is especially true if your pregnant bride wants to carry anything that weighs close to a soda bottle.

Mommy Mojo wanted to move Toddler Mojo’s small toy chest to another room.  I reminded her what our neighbors would think if they looked through our window and saw the pregnant lady carrying the 15 pound toy chest around the house.    Daddy Mojo moved the toy chest to the other room, right after he was finished cleaning (insert the name of a dirty area here).

Speaking of toy chests, ladies your brassiere may be straining to hold back nature.  Dads, you would be alarmed at what some bras cost.  However, factor in the sensitive area that it covers and the fact that said area is getting larger every day.  Suddenly spending hundreds of dollars on a bra is a valued and mandatory purchase for a pregnant wife.

Side note:  did you know that in Saudi Arabia and some other Arab countries only men are allowed to sell lingerie?  It sounds like a bad Al Bundy metaphor but it’s true.  Thankfully just this past week there was a law passed to allow women to work in lingerie stores in Saudi Arabia.

I’m all for culture, but I’m glad that Mommy Mojo didn’t have to go to that lingerie store to get her super duper expensive bra.  Alas whatever the costs it’s worth it, say the dads in the room.  As long as the Mom is comfortable and the baby is healthy then all is good in our simple world.  Next week:  your baby is the size of a papaya!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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