Dad spends a night in the mancave: Battle: Los Angeles

It’s summer, 70 degrees & 40% humidity at night and your child, boss, spouse or (insert choice noun of bothering thing here) has been frustrating you all day.  All you want to do is watch a quality to semi-not so bad movie to relax your over heated self.  Such was the case with us recently when Battle: Los Angeles found its way to our home.

Gauging from the word of mouth on Twitter, Battle: Los Angeles is an epic piece of film making.  Granted that was the word from people in the L.A. area.  Using that biased line of thinking the word of mouth on Battle: Atlanta, if they were to make a sequel, would be great too.    Actually as with most things labeled Atlanta, they’d figure out a way to goof it up.

Dallas Austin would produce the soundtrack, Tyler Perry would cast Madea in it, Atlanta Public Schools would handle the accounting or it would take place in the summer.  Summer in Atlanta is a frizzy hair lovers paradise.  It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity, if you doubt the meaning to that statement visit Atlanta in the summer.

Thankfully the movie in the mancave is Battle: Los Angeles.  A friend of mine described it to me as Independence Day, except a bit more realistic.  A series of meteor showers appear off the earth and will splash down near the coast of eight major cities.     At a briefing at Naval Base Coronado we learn that the objects are metallic and actually slowing down the closer that they get to earth.

My friend who said that Battle: Los Angeles was like Independence Day was incorrect.  The best way for me to describe Battle: LA is that it’s a vivid and realistic war movie.  It’s like Black Hawk Down, except that the plot it fictional and the other forces are space aliens.    Black Hawk Down is a realistic, fast, gritty war movie that portrays war in a non glamorous way.

Battle: LA was like that too.  Is it the most pro military movie since Black Hawk Down?  That metaphor is up for discussion, but Battle: LA treats all of the soldiers in a realistic and respectful manner.    In most Hollywood movies where the military is featured there is usually one rogue soldier or commander.

It’s usually the commander or soldier that just wants to exploit the natural resources or kill indigenous people.    That character always sticks out like a sore thumb because you know that person was written into the movie just to satisfy some liberal producer or associate with the film.  Not only that, those characters are unrealistic and make going to movie less enjoyable, especially when you’ve going for escapist fare like this.

Battle: LA is proud, go Leatherneck Marines ass kicking fun.  It’s realistic, you care about the characters, but you never lose the fact that they’re fighting a fictional enemy.  This is one of the better movies that I’ve seen in a while and it makes me wish that I would’ve seen it on the big screen.    Battle: LA is even Ok for the moms, make a date night out of it, that’s what we did.


Dad spends a night in the mancave is a series about what guys do when women aren’t around to judge them for what they watch on television.  It’s those really bad science fiction movies, questionable action films or something starring Bruce Campbell that really can be enjoyable through the lens of a guy.  We may reveal plot points to the movies that are discussed, so if you’re looking for ‘reviews’ then head on over to a site that will talk about wussy, unpatriotic movies directed by James Cameron cause it isn’t here.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “Dad spends a night in the mancave: Battle: Los Angeles”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed Battle Los Angeles. Watched it with my brother one night not too long ago. Your review is spot on – definitely a gritty flick which keeps the emotions going. You care about the characters and cheer for them as they fight back against their enemies. Would definitely watch it again.

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