Pregnancy week 26 –Mom and Dad, your baby can see!

Moms, your little guy is the size of an eggplant.  it’s also the next to last week of the 2nd trimester!  For those parents that aren’t too good with numbers that means that you’re 66% of the way there!  Ok, that’s still a number….you have less than three months to go before your life changes forever.

Ladies, the downside is that you may have sudden pains in your rear. If you have already had a pain in the rear, not including your husband, work or other things, then this new pain will not be surprising.

We asked Mommy Mojo about this pain and she described it as if she had worked out all day.  This feeling of ‘working out’ may be alien to some of you dads out there.  Essentially it’s a dull, throbbing pain in your lower back that can be eased with ice, heat or a rotating massage action.  However, for you soon moms to be, this throbbing lower back pain will be your friend for the next 11 weeks or so.

Dads, now is a great time for Mom to sit down.  Moms, if you’re an overachiever then you need to learn to sit down and rest, watch Bait Car (Dad knows what channel) and don’t feel guilty about resting.

Moms, if you’re looking closely at yourself in the mirror then you know that you grew a tremendous amount from week 25 to 26.  Your belly started to get round and is sticking out much more.  Dads, if you’re reading this and are before week 20, start taking photos of your bride, the changes will be amazing.

Dads, another thing to watch out for is your wife’s lack of sleep.  They’ll be tossing and turning much more so than usual.  If you’re a light sleeper then this will affect you.  If you’re not then your full night of sleep will only annoy your wife, who may have gotten five or six.

Moms, you may get a bit spacey or forgetful.    You may do things just slightly off or in an incorrect way.   From here out your high degree of organization and focus may be a bit lacking.   We’ve noticed it lately in Mommy Mojo, it’s a good thing she doesn’t read this….

Rest up moms, next week you enter the third trimester.  It’s the home stretch till your little one enters the rest of their life!

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

One thought on “Pregnancy week 26 –Mom and Dad, your baby can see!”

  1. My wife and I are just getting to week 35! Getting very close! I remember the back pains starting around week 26 as well! Unfortunately they don’t seem that have subdued! But! We are still moving right along and should have a new son in a month! We are excited! By the way take a look at my blog if you get a chance. it’s and tell me what you think. I hope you enjoy!

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