The life and times of a 21 month old toddler

As Toddler Mojo gets older and More Mojo is due to be born in a couple of months we’re trying to remember how to do everything again. Oh, Mommy Mojo and I know that we can do it; we’ve just forgotten what infants do and when they do it. I remember lots of sleeping, eating and pooping, but enough about me.

So because Toddler Mojo is 21 months old this is a great time to write down and document what’s going on in his life. That way if you have a 13 month old and are wondering ‘when does the screaming end?’ you can read ahead to the 21rst month and see that it’s still going on. All babies and toddlers aren’t equal; if Toddler Mojo seems advanced or slow for his age then I credit or blame the ninja movies and cat videos he’s been watching.
6:30 AM. I wake up and start throwing books on the floor. Sometimes I’ll sit down in my crib and look at the pictures until Mom or Dad come in the room.

6:45 AM. Mom and Dad come in the room, get me out of my PJs and change my diaper. I then toddle over the bathroom where I brush my teeth.

7:00 AM Breakfast! I eat kiwi, bananas, blue berries, some cereal and have some water or juice to drink. After eating I’ll read a book with Mom and then walk her to the door to say goodbye.

7:30-11:30 This time varies because Dad and I may go to the store, run errands, take a walk around the neighborhood, play with the dogs, read a book, story time at a library, color the sidewalk or play in the back yard. I always get a snack around 9:00 though, even if we’re out in the car. I can say some basic words like momma, dada, dog, cat, balloon, turtle, bubble, purple and a handful of animal sounds. As I’m a toddler I can get around well on my two feet, but I may tumble from time to time.

12:00 Lunch! We’ll eat peanut butter and jelly, ham, turkey, some vegetables and chips.

12:30 We play for half an hour. During this time Dad usually gets me gradually closer to my crib for some reason.

1:00 PM And Dad puts me in the crib, I was being good toddler and I’m not even sleepyyyyy….zzzzz…..90 minutes to two hours later……

3:00 PM Whoot! I feel great. My books and toys are back in my crib so I’ll throw them out and let Dad know that…oh, here he is now.

3:10 PM Snack time!

3:30-5:00 PM We’ll go play in the neighborhood, run an errand, stay inside and play or I’ll practice my time in the tricycle with Dad pushing me.

5:00 PM Dinner time! I eat what Mom and Dad eat, just a smaller plate of it. This could include green beans, sausage casserole, pasta, meat or veggies.

5:30 PM Play! It’s a half hour of fast fun play, probably designed to make me tired, good luck with that.

6:00 PM Bathtime. Oy, it’s the same time every day, what does Dad have to do that’s so urgent that I have to go to bed the same time every night?

6:30 PM Bedtime. Dad or Mom will read me a story or two and then put me in my crib, but I’m not sleepy. I’ll usually try to start a conversation with them by saying something like ‘turtle’ or ‘bubble’ as they close the door.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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