You do have an earpiece for that mobile phone, don’t you?

I’m busy.  Oh, I could fill a blog full of the mindless gunk that fills my day up, wait, I already do that. 

One day recently I dropped my phone earpiece into the can of soda that I had beside my computer.  It was a bad earpiece anyway.  The cushion around the earpiece had fallen off a couple of months ago and the hook that goes around my ear broke off a couple of months before that.  I’m very cheap and busy.

The earpiece, although it hurt my ear and often fell out, worked until it found its untimely cola grave.  The obituary would read:  Here lay a cheap earpiece that was ultimately done in by a cup of Dr. Thunder.

  The day after I accessed that Dr. Thunder had done in my earpiece I went to the store to get another earpiece.  I’m still very cheap and busy, but I need to talk to people and keep my hands free.  For me it’s great because I can type, watch cat videos on YouTube, and take care of Toddler Mojo or even drive.

Most mornings Toddler Mojo and I walk up the park near our house.  During that walk I am aghast at how many people drive without using an earpiece for their phone.    Some of these people are business folks on their way to work while incredibly, others are parents with their children in the car.

A distracted driver, i.e., someone who is holding a phone up to their ear and talking while driving is not as good as a driver as someone who is not doing that.  It really chaps my saddle to see adults who would seemingly make good decisions have a conversation with their handheld phone while driving.

These people aren’t solving world peace or curing cancer while holding the phone and driving.   They are just bored and want to chat with friends about gossip, work or the latest blog full of mindless gunk.  That is great if you want to chat about that, but get an earpiece for your phone!

I can tell when my wife doesn’t have her earpiece, usually it’s because I’m looking at in the house when she calls.  Guys, this is an immediate out for you.  Establish a rule that you will not talk to (insert name here) if they call you and aren’t using the earpiece.  I’ve been saved by many conversations with my wife just by asking “do you have your earpiece?”

Earpieces are affordable, usually starting at $20 and can be found at any store.  You know where to find them and you know why you don’t have one.  However, I can assure you, that any reason you’ve crafted for not having an earpiece is wrong, insane, dangerous and stupid.

That dopey conversation that you’re having on your phone is fun, but just one mistake, an animal darting out, an accident if front of you or anything that causes you to hurt someone is entirely avoidable.  If anybody is ever hit by somebody they should request cell phone records from their carrier to see if they were on the phone when the accident happened. A penalty or lawsuit from someone regarding your negligence is a huge price to pay for not getting something as simple as an earpiece.

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