Pregnancy week 33-Moms, you’re hungry, yet repulsed by food

Moms, it’s just over one month before you’re greeted by your son or daughter.  Put another way it’s just over 14 years away before you have to say “You’re not leaving the house like that are you”?  Based on some fashion trends it may even be eight years before you have to say that.

One of the biggest things that moms will notice now is that you’re hungry, yet don’t want to eat.  In the case of Mommy Mojo she is hungry, but only wants to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  She’ll then rationalize that by saying, “but it’s low fat peanut butter”.

The following is an example and in no way happened to Mommy Mojo or in the Mojo residence.  A pregnant woman unplugs a cord from the wall which accidently gives herself a little shock.   In a sheepish tone said woman tells her husband.  The husband should not make a sarcastic comment about her hair not standing up like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein.

If the husband made a snide comment like that; then the mom would immediate say something along the lines of, “Don’t you care about the health of our baby”?

The takeaway for dads during this part of the pregnancy is to filter everything that your spouse says.  Figure out ways to delay your responses by coughing, sneezing, pointing to cats in the corner-anything to allow you more time to say something clever that won’t freak the pregnant woman out.

One way for dads to receive cover during this period is to ask the pregnant woman a question.   It’ll take them a bit longer than usual to answer, which can endure you to them and earn those conversation points.  DO NOT ask them a question if you legitimately have work to do or are watching Die Hard.  Their response will be longer than usual and may be difficult to follow, which unfortunately may mean asking another question.

You moms are hot now too because your metabolic system is working 20% more than it usually does.  Your little passenger is growing like a rocket and will be one inch bigger next week!  Your little dude or princess is kicking, hiccupping and punching your insides, which can be ticklish at times.

There are five or six weeks to go.  Dads, one thing you can do before the big day is start stretching and strengthening your back and arms.  This infant won’t weigh much at first, but the repetitive motion of putting them in the crib will cause some aches and pains.  Moms, you just chill out on the sofa and watch West Wing and eat your PB & J sandwiches

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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