Dressing like a toddler prostitute on Toddlers & Tiaras

Some topics just disappear.  It’s like advertising; the bad ads that don’t sell or generate controversy go away and are replaced by something new.  Our inner thoughts hoped that Toddlers & Tiaras would be like that, but six seasons in, this train wreck is still picking up passengers.

The most recent episode is causing more of a stink than usual because it featured a 4 year old wearing breast and butt implants.  To make things even creepier, or more charming; the costume was meant to be Dolly Parton, which the mother of the 4 year old wore when she was a girl.

Many people found Toddlers & Tiaras annoying or in bad taste prior to the footage from this episode being released.  The scene of a 4 year old prancing around in a dress with breast and butt pads sent the internet and many people over the edge.

The Facebook page for the show was taken down due to comments.  News of a 4 year old with fake breasts and bottom padding is around the world.   The parents on Toddlers & Tiaras have been accused of creating television that appeals to pageant parents and pedophiles and this recent wardrobe choice will not help their cause.

To make matters worse, the episode that airs on September 7 has a toddler dressed as a prostitute.  Specifically it’s the character Julia Roberts played in the movie Pretty Woman.  But that was a Disney movie and Julia played a hooker with a heart of gold, so that makes everything alright, doesn’t it?  Thankfully in the promo, one of the pageant moms says that they already have a bad reputation and dressing up a 3 year old as a prostitute is wrong.

This is a freak show.  People watching this need to realize that these families are not the type of people that you want to be like.  Unfortunately, for those seeking 15 minutes of fame it may have the opposite effect.

Criminals watch Cops.  Pedophiles watch Toddlers & Tiaras.    Watching these little girls squirm in their chairs while mom applies the fake sun tan, then the teeth and wearing those creepy outfits is disturbing.

Where are the dads in these families?  In some families the dads are in the audience, usually looking hollow eyed.  There was one dad who admittedly did not agree with his little girl participating in these glitz pageants.   Another dad has a daughter who is in pageants and a son who they described as “pretty”.

It’s difficult to understand how a pageant parent can put their child through this.  They’ll say that the pageants give the child self esteem and help them learn about competition.  However, the negatives such as the lessons that beauty trumps all, exposure to questionable people and long lasting damage outweigh any positives.  One need only look at the mothers who used to be in pageants and are now exposing their children for proof of that.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

6 thoughts on “Dressing like a toddler prostitute on Toddlers & Tiaras”

    1. It was a strong choice of words, yes. Of course, everybody that watches the show isn’t a pedophile. However, hypothetically speaking, what would a pedophile want to watch?
      Based on the possibility that it would attract that type of person would make me want to stay as far away as possible from it.

  1. @Anne – I don’t think that’s a judgement you can make.

    I completely agree with you Trey, but I wanted to point out that in the few episodes I watched to research my own post, one family being profiled included a dad who was VERY active in this whole thing. Totally shocked me, especially since he’s in the military. I found it very hard to believe that a man would allow his 4 yr old daughter to be made up to look 17, and yet he was the one in this family really pushing her. It was really strange to see. But I have to believe that’s an exception.

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