Satellite TV, the family and valuable Mancave time

When you live on your own, watching TV is possibly the easiest thing in the world. Not only does it require no effort, but you don’t have to share it with anybody, not that I’m bad with sharing or anything.  I like to watch TV, so when I was approached by Satellite TV to write a post on it and the family it was a natural fit.   On your own, the TV is 100% your domain and you’re free to watch any shows or movies you want to.  That’s one reason why I like doing the Mancave movies so much; I don’t have to worry about whether they are enjoyable or appropriate for anyone else.

However, once you have a spouse and a family, watching television suddenly becomes a much more complicated process because you have to appeal to everybody. This is one reason that a lot of families are upgrading to Satellite television packages that bring them more options, channels and services. After all, the more of something you have, the more you can spread around.

One problem that’s solved by upgrading to Satellite is that the range of channels you have access to means that everyone in your family has something to enjoy. You’ll have access to plenty of channels and shows geared to children, that can keep you from worrying if there’s enough entertainment lined up to keep the kids busy. Additionally, you will have lots of adult shows, as well as extensive channels for sports, films, etc. Essentially, you’ll be able to watch just about anything you could want.

Another huge perk of Satellite packages is that, in addition to normal television shows and movies on TV, you can also get access to special programs like HBO, Cinemax, Starz, and many others. Often, you have to pay extra for packages including premium programs, but many will testify that it’s well worth it. These channels tend to have some of the highest quality shows on TV, as well as access to brand new movies that you can enjoy with your family or alone, depending on the situation.

Of course, balancing your TV time with your family doesn’t just come down to how many shows and movies you can watch. You also have to work with each other’s schedules and preferences to make sure that everyone can enjoy the television.  Sometimes you’ll be able to watch things together and other times you’ll just have to let your guy turn it into a mancave for a couple hours.  However, access to all of the packages and channels mentioned above certainly makes this process easier, and can keep everyone happy with the range of entertainment available.

This guest editorial was brought to you by and written by Daddy Mojo

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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