Bikini Onsey

Is a baby bikini onesie offensive, tacky or just stupid?

The parents in the audience know that the words bikini and onsey, side by side don’t make any sense.  A onesie is the outfit that your baby will wear until they’re about 20 months old.  A bikini is the two piece outfit that girls will want to wear to the pool.  If you painted a bikini onto a onesie would it be cute, offensive or just tacky?

Gordman’s, a clothing retailer did just that and it’s upset a couple parents.  The onesie isn’t anything special.  The bikini graphics aren’t great, especially crisp or realistic; nonetheless it has upset some parents.

To me it looks like an airbrush painting of a bikini, something that you’d see at a carnival or a novelty shop.  They were probably selling something like this near the Jersey Shore or Myrtle Beach last summer and the media or parents didn’t take notice.

Action News 5 – Memphis, Tennessee

The only onesie we every had that featured a pictured body on it was a caricature of a beaver when our son was teething.  Just under the picture of the beaver it said “teething” and was the cutest onesie ever, ever.

Bikini Onsey

What if the onesie in question had a Tarzan or strongman physique on it?  Would the people who are outraged about this supposed sexualization be as offended about the male stereotype?

Maybe it’s the summer heat, but I don’t see what the big deal is on this onesie.  It’s trashy, stupid and weird, but some people will buy it just for that fact.   What’s your take on the bikini onesie?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

6 thoughts on “Is a baby bikini onesie offensive, tacky or just stupid?”

  1. I thought you meant actual baby bikinis, which I personally find to be all 3 of the options you listed above.  The onsie?  I am totally indifferent.  Who cares, there are a lot of stupid onsies out there.

  2. I’m a pretty sensitive guy when it comes to offensive products in parenting…but this isn’t really bad, in my opinion – and for your reason: if it were a Tarzan body or a bodybuilder, no one would care. So…the underlying idea is that we’ve sexualized bikinis, but not male bathing suits. I’m not a fan of the two-piece bathing suits for toddlers, but if we remove the sexuality behind it, then I’m not sure if I would still be against them.

    Well now I’m all pissed off that I had to use my brain so early in the day.

    1. Ode to the thinking man in the morning.  Loved your article on CNN sir.  And we concur with your thoughts, it’s just stupid, not patently offensive.  

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