Actual screen shot of Sleeping Mojo

NextStep IP Baby Monitor: Review and Giveaway

At one of our baby showers a couple of years ago we were given a baby monitor.  It consisted of a base unit that may or may not transmit the sound coming from your baby’s room.   I used the phrase, may or may not, because it never worked for us.  After a while we unplugged it and left in the corner of a room where it still lays today.  It’s like the Island of Lost Toys for baby products that don’t work.

We were offered the chance to review the NextStep IP Baby Monitor.  It immediately got our attention because it has audio and video, plus you can monitor your child from an app on your smart phone or secure internet address.  It’s not as if we’re going to leave the house, but it’s comforting to know that you can watch your baby without them knowing it.

The NextStep IP Baby Monitor comes with technical support to help you install it.  Don’t get freaked out because I said technical support.  They helped us install our monitor and it took them 10 minutes.  If you’re relatively intuitive with your computer then you can install the monitor yourself.

One feature about the monitor that we haven’t used is the two way audio.  Using the app that monitors the camera you can speak through it so that your child can hear you.  This is a great feature to have in case of emergencies or when your kids are old enough to know what’s happening.  Ours are too young right now to know what’s happening so we’re just using it to listen to them play or read when they’re in bed.

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The resolution to the camera is sharp, works at night and using the app you can zoom in & out or pan left & right.  This is the product that you need in order to save you or your spouse countless trips into their room just to be certain that he’s breathing.  And don’t act like you’ve never snuck into your child’s room to see if they were still breathing.

Actual screen shot of Sleeping MojoThe NextStep IP Baby Monitor retails for $159.99, so it’s more than the first ‘baby monitor’ that we received as a gift.  You get what you pay for.  The one that we received as a gift was cheap quality, had no video, two-way audio or ability to record from it.  Now we have a technological marvel that’s completely controllable from our computer, has no additional fees, a 2 year warranty, lifetime support and can be mounted on the wall.  If you’re getting a baby monitor get a good quality one because you’ll use it daily.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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