Little Tikes truck

Little Tikes around my house-and children too

We’re three years into children and like an athlete that starts a new sport we’ve noticed collections starting to appear.  There is the collection of balls, all different sizes and colors that go to different toys, but now just end up in a big pile called “Balls”.   In another part of the house there’s a box of plastic figures and spread out over the house (and in the garage) are assorted toys from Little Tikes. Some of the Little Tike toys were purchased from yard sales and others were purchased new from the store.  Each of them has a purpose and specific time that our kids play with them.

The Tunnel and Slide Little Tikes toddler crawlOK, that’s not the official name for this.  Our nieces played with this many years ago and we got it when Toddler Mojo was born.  They start out crawling through this then they’ll push cars through it-with them zipping down the smooth side like a ramp.   Now More Mojo is 1 year old and loves crawling through it just as much as the dozen or so kids that used it before him.  It’s a rockstar toy that is durable and lightweight.

Little Tikes truckThe Farm Truck

This truck belongs on the farm, but in our house it’s a speed racer that goes down the driveway.  Sometimes it’ll be driven by a ghost, other times a farmer and on rare occasions a pig.  The outcome is always the same; it crashes at the bottom with a certain 3-year old running after it laughing.

The Little Tikes WagonThe Classic Wagon It took Toddler Mojo a while to like the wagon.  It’s a classic and every family must own some sort of wagon, that’s family rule #93 I think.    More often than not it serves as a holding bin for his sidewalk chalk, farm truck or other oddities he finds in the yard.  I suspect that when he turns 4 that will become his chariot that unsuspecting adults will be forced to pull him around in.  Side note:  don’t judge me for the state of the garage, we’ve seen yours…. Little Tikes Big Adventure Action Fliers

The cool thing that we want and may get is Big Adventures Action Fliers.  It’s an airport play set that has cars racing down hills that catapult airplanes when they stop.  Toddler Mojo likes cars, things that fly and Little Tikes has passed the durability test, we’ll see what Santa can do. Do you have a favorite Little Tikes toy or memory of playing with them?

Disclosure: This sponsored post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. I was compensated for my time investment and work on this campaign. Thoughts are my own.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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