More Mojo in the new winter jacket from

Updating the winter fashion for a growing toddler at CookiesKids

One of the joys of having two boys that are almost two years-to the day apart, is that they can in theory share clothing.  That theory can quickly fly out of the window if the second one grows quicker or slower than his big brother.  In our case, More Mojo is growing much quicker that he did, which is preventing us from recycling their clothing as much.

I’m not a brand shopper.  I mainly shop by price and if it has just a hint of personality, that certainly is a plus.  As a matter of fact, I have a price in my head when I go shopping.  I know what I’m going shopping for, know in my head what I’ll pay for that item and usually am correct on that price-or it don’t buy it.  The Price is Right will rue the day I’m on that show, especially if they have kid’s clothes.

Racks of jackets

When I first visited the Cookie Kids website I noticed how easy it is to get around.  All of the sizes are clearly marked with great detail.  There is also a thorough drop down menu of items relative to what department you’re looking in.

Cookies Southpole jacket watermark

Are you unsure what size you need?   In the area where you click the size of the item you’ll see the Alva Kids logo, click on that and you’ll see physical characteristics to help it guide you as to what size you need.  Leg proportion, body proportion, weight, height, shoe size and more can be plugged into each profile that you set up for your children.  Once that is filled out, just click ‘Save profile’ and you’ll get the all-but tailored size for your little person.

The CookiesKids jacket retail value

The prices we noticed right away, but wanted to check the quality of the clothing.  A nice winter jacket for only $24 is a great deal, but if the quality is lacking then it’s just wasted money.   The SouthPole jacket that we purchased has a fleece liner and a Velcro cover that goes over the zipper once it’s pulled up.  It’s good quality.

Prior to being a stay at home dad I used to work in the clothing resale industry.  I know cheap quality clothing and this jacket is good stuff. We took some nice photos for our Google + page that tells the story of two growing boys, a favorite jacket that no longer fits and the new one from

Bonus:  You can save 10% on any orders until 12/21/2012 by using the coupon code “daddymojo” when you check out.

More Mojo in the new winter jacket from has 7 stores in the NYC area, Bronx, Brooklyn, Jamaica and of course online at   You can follow them on Facebook and on Twitter also.

Bottom line:  #CookiesKids has a clearance section (we love all things clearance), easy to navigate pages, quick affordable shipping and lots of pictures to show you purchasing options.  The prices are close to a consignment store, but all of merchandise is brand new.

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and #CBias #SocialFabric” (Feel free to add any additional wording you would like such as “all opinions are my own

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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