Jake cleaning up the SmartStrand

A messy child meets the Mohawk SmartStrand carpet

Perhaps I shouldn’t say, ‘a messy child’, it’s more accurate to state a child that loves to make a mess.  You may have one of them too.  When I told him he’d be able to make a mess, on purpose he couldn’t get to The Dogwood Festival quick enough.  The folks from Mohawk Flooring had a tent and invited kids (see: anyone) to make a mess on their carpet.

We got to The Dogwood Festival and before my 3.5 YO mess maker could try out his skill on the stain resistant carpet he saw the cupcakes.  The cupcakes were provided by Smallcakes Cupcakery in the License to Spill booth and he stalked them out for 10 minutes prior to opening.

The Better TV crew from The Better Show was getting interviews and needed to get shots of the cupcake pyramid. The moment they finished a certain small person swooped in and got a Georgia Peach Cupcake.  He was very careful not to make a mess or let any of the cupcake get the carpet dirty, not that it would’ve stained it anyway.

Snacking done, we could get down to intentionally messing up carpet.   In the Mohawk Flooring, License to Spill tent, Jake was presented with spray bottles of wine, energy drink, catsup and more.  He methodically lined them up on the ground and sprayed the test patch of SmartStrand carpet.  A 3.5 YO who has permission to use a spray bottle on carpet is truly unabridged joy.

The original stain at SmartStrand

He sprayed each substance on the stain resistant carpet, sprayed some more and then I took the spray bottles away from him.  I was then given a bottle of water and told to pour it on the previously beige carpet, but was now a brackish brown color.  Amazingly, pouring the water over the carpet and rubbing it with a shop rag removed the stain.

Jake cleaning up the SmartStrand

No chemicals or carpet cleaning foam needed to be sprayed on it prior to removal.   I just poured the water on it, a little bit of dish soap, lightly rubbed and the stain disappeared.  It was ridiculously simple to remove and for good reason, SmartStrand carpet is rated #1 in customer satisfaction.

SmartStrand has permanent stain and soil resistance that won’t wear off or degrade over time.  Most carpets have the treatment applied on the surface of the fibers.  Obviously, over time, even quicker if you have kids, the carpet will show signs of dirt and not get as clean as it once was.

Kids making a mess on the SmartStrand

The SmartStrand has the stain protection built into the carpet strands.  It’s a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts-and that’s a great thing when you factor in that carpet is not something that you want to purchase often.  It should work, repel stains and maintain its color.

Jake at home with the carpet
We had so much fun that we wanted to repeat the #licensetospill at home

Mohawk Flooring is the world’s largest flooring manufacturer and they’re giving away a 6’ X 9’ SmartStrand Silk bound carpet rug.  Yeah, it comes in silk too; it’s luxuriously soft and feels like you’re walking on butter.

Bottom line:  Having carpet when you have kids is a gamble.  It will get stuff spilled, wiped or dropped on it.  If your spouse is like mine then they don’t want many (see: Any) chemicals in the house, but the stain can’t stay either.  The SmartStrand carpet shook off all of the liquids that we threw at it.

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®  and Mohawk Flooring #cbias #SocialFabric #licensetospill.  All thoughts are our own and, as you can tell from the last giddy photo we had a great time.  

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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