Everyday things you can do to show appreciation to the military

New Year’s Resolutions when you think about them are kind of silly.  If you really want to change behavior or drop bad habits then you can do it any day, and not just when the year changes.  The same thing goes for showing appreciation for our armed services.  There are a couple very simple; (and free!) things that we can do every day to show  appreciation for the military and the job that they do.

Never let the flag hit the ground

As a child I was never taught this, but I had always heard it.  In our house now we have a large number of yard flags, as well as, one that flies in the front yard.   We’re teaching the kids that a flag should never touch the ground, however, as we’re telling that to a 20 month old and 3.5 year old the lesson is challenging.

We were in a large home improvement store the other day getting some of the smaller flags for the yard and More Mojo really wanted to hold one.  “OK, you can hold one, but if it touches the ground we have to take it”, mom said.  More Mojo was happily waving the flag back and forth, but then he dropped it.

“You have to respect the flag, don’t drop it, I’ll give you one more chance”, mom said.

Being a 20 month old he resumed happily waving the flag, but dropped it again, so we took it.  He protested for a moment, but then found something else to look at.

However, behind us in line was an older gentleman who tapped my wife on the shoulder.

“Excuse me, I’m a WWII veteran and I just wanted to say that it means a lot to me that you’re respecting the flag in that way”, he said.

If you don’t think people are watching, will notice or be appreciative you’re wrong.

Stop moving during the American Anthem

After tragic news happens you see large crowds do this and it’s quite moving.  Even after 9/11 Congress made a big show of going out to the steps and doing it.  I sense, however that was more a political move and not really something that was in their hearts.  This is genuine.

But what if, every time you heard the National Anthem nobody around moved, talked on the phone, texted, ate or drank anything?  What if they were all perfectly still, holding their hand over their hearts or saluting the flag?  That would be very cool indeed.

Old dependable

Coffee, lunch or something that you purchase if you’re in front of them in line is a classic.  Sometimes they’ll say thanks, be shocked, humble or they’ll give you this note.

Soldier's card

Respect and honor our service members.  Regardless of your political belief, wealth, status, religion, employment or color, freedom is not free.  What you take for granted in the United States may get you arrested or killed in other countries.

It’s often said the United States has the best and worst of everything.  We’re the country that created Apple, Microsoft, bifocals, the car and the refrigerator, just to name a few.  We’re also the country that exports some very poor examples of pop culture, highlighting stupidity over intelligence.

They’re different sides of the same coin and both are afforded to us in part by the military and the sacrifices they make.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

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