Father’s Day is soon, $50 Amazon giveaway for the cause

So goes Mother’s Day, then the end of the school year and sometime in the middle of June is Father’s Day.  This year Father’s Day is June 16 and in the near future we’ll be running down some dandy ideas for dad.  To wet your appetite, a can’t miss gift, a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.

Dads aren’t nearly as complicated as you think they are or as picky as they might make themselves out to be.  A simple gift card, like a $50 gift certificate to Amazon is a great starting point.  That way dad can get tools, comic books a gift for mom* or a toy for the kids.

Just as gift cards from dad to mom are low hanging gift fruit, so is the gift card to dad.  Entry is simple, really simple.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was provided with a gift card for Amazon for publishing this post.  All thoughts are my own and we’re all about giving stuff away where dads will be the recipient.

*Note, the odds on dad spending his gift card to Amazon on mom are slim.  Unless he’s in the dog house, in which case I hope he’s already done something and that his winning this would be gravy.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

13 thoughts on “Father’s Day is soon, $50 Amazon giveaway for the cause”

  1. I remember digging worms and going fishing with my dad. Supposedly I threw a stink about the poor fish and made sure they were all released back into the lake.

  2. My last visit with my grandfather with my kids before Alzheimer’s set in, we went to visit and sat on the porch and reminisced

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  4. The look on my hubby’s face THIS year father’s day will be priceless. We just got pregnant after 2 years of infertility and he is so thrilled. We’re going to celebrate.

  5. Favorite memory was when we bought my dad a fishing rod and took him fishing for father’s day when my sisters and I were just young kids

  6. My favorite fathers day memory is getting my husband a 4- wheeler for last years fathers day and he turned around and gave me a gift on father’s day by celebrating our wedding anniversary (april 2) on that day instead of fathers day

  7. My favorite memory is when I was in 4th grade and I wrote a poem for my dad.

  8. My favorite Fathers day memory is speaking to my daughter while being deployed to some God-awful hell hole in southern Iraq. I’m not even sure she realized who I was at the time. But it felt so great to hear her voice.

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