Cap That can do prints on any surface from anywhere, even video

We love photos in our house.  Before having children we had photos of pets and travels  on the walls.  With children come lots of photos and the myriad of ways to put their pictures up on the walls.  We were presented  a review opportunity with Cap That, that we hadn’t seen before-putting photos on bamboo picture frames.  To make things even cooler they can be traditional photos or be pulled from video clips.

THAT is the kicker.  You have your phone set to photo or video.  If it’s set to video then you can’t pull an image from it for a printed photograph, until now.

Cap That 1

Cap That can do photos on things that you expect, like on canvas or cards.  In addition to that they can do covers for iPads, iPhone/Galaxy/Blackberry and Kindles.  They can put it on shirts, onesies, dog clothing, hats, mats totes and hoodies.  They can put images on metal, acrylic print, acrylic blocks, poster stock, flip flops, pillows, coasters, lip balms, lighters, dog bowls, playing cards and more.

Cap That 2

To trick things up even more with you put an image on a piece of clothing you can crop it, mix up the edges and display it through dozens of adjustments.  You can have one image that looks dozens of different ways, it’s very cool.  Ours is a 10 x 10 wood print.


Placing the order was easy and our wood print arrived in about 5 business days.  It’s a neat gift for the future and something that we’ve never seen.  The shipping is free and they give you a 90 day money back guarantee to ensure your happiness.

We were provided with print for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own. 

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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