Daddy Mojo’s Father’s Day Gift Guide

So, you’re at a dead end for dad this year?  It’s the Father’s Day gift cul de sac and you need fresh ideas.  Here are a handful of fresh, out of the box ideas for dad this year for Father’s Day. 

A Roku

We got a Roku 2 XD Streaming Player about half a year ago and it has changed our lives.  That sound like hyperbole, but it’s true.  We don’t watch as much TV, but what we watch is so much more entertaining.   That, plus the number of children’s shows is almost limitless and ours now like watching more educational programs.

Installation took 10 minutes and we’ve since cut cable TV, which saves money.   It’s also introduced me to Torchwood, Doctor Who, Downton Abbey and countless ninja/muay thai movies.   A Father’s Day that includes an hour or two of sofa time, that’s win/win.

Portable turntable and mp3 Audio System

Sure you’ve seen turntables that can convert your LPs to mp3s.  But have you ever seen one in a suitcase?  It’s for the steampunk audiophile.  It looks like something Doctor Who would use.  We have a large number of old LPs that have not made their way to a digital format, you know you do too.

Crosley LP MP3 burner

The portable turntable and mp3 audio system is not a deejay system where you can listen to the music on the device.  It burns it to mp3, but its portability means that you can take it to a friend’s house where you can then share the music.

Star Wars Origami: 36 Amazing Paper-folding Projects from a Galaxy Far, Far Away….

The origami force is strong in this one.  Origami is not too difficult, but it does take practice.  Star Wars Origami has multiple colored sheets in the back for each project.  Before you try them simply use a square sheet of paper to confirm that your skills are strong.

Star Wars Origami

The origami is categorized from Youngling, Padawan, Jedi Knight and Jedi Master.  The book also has a very basic introduction to the types of folds needed to do all of the origami.  It’s a fun project for the patient dad that can also carry over the kids who will enjoy it too.

Made By Dad

For crafty dads this Father’s Day of all skill sets.  Made By Dad, 67 Blueprints For Making Cool Stuff has projects that are really simple to those that look quite difficult.   All of them look very cool and most of them have helping opportunities for the kids.

Made by Dad

As a plus, for projects have templates in the back that you can copy and use.  The instructions are detailed and drawn in an easy to understand way.  Each craft is labeled as easy, medium or tricky and the book has a nice introduction of the tools you’ll need.  I need to get a glue gun and butane torch.

Guardians of the Galaxy

If dad is into comic books this is our favorite one right now.  Guardians of the Galaxy is packed with detailed art that is on a big scale.  As they are the Guardians of the Galaxy, they deal with things all over the galaxy which means that aliens and odd looking creatures are the norm.  All of that would mean nothing if there weren’t enough action to engage readers but it’s got that too.

Guardians of the Galaxy

We still read and enjoy She Hulk, but Guardians is the book we look forward to the most now.

Man of Steel

To mix comic metaphors, our Spidey sense is tingling over how good this movie will be.  Must, set realistic expectations, must set realistic expectations.  Man of Steel opens this weekend.  Dad like movies and if your child is old enough for a PG-13 movie they’ll be fine with this too probably.

 An appointment to the dermatologist

Is this a sexy, fun or escapist gift?  No, but it’s needed, especially if dad has a mole or two and has never been to the dermatologist.  Book his appointment near his favorite fast food place so he can stop by there after the appointment.

We were provided with the books (except Guardians of the Galaxy) for review purposes.  All thoughts are our own.  Whoot. 


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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