Backyard Safari review and giveaway-kids love it

Our oldest son is about to turn 4 and loves exploring.  He’s curious about the bugs, crawling things and flying winged insects that he sees in the garden.  He calls all of them bees, except for the butterflies and follows them as if he’s Marlin Perkins tracking something in the African savannah.   We thought that he would like his gear from Backyard Safari and proved wrong.  He went mental, absolutely loved all of the accessories, took them to bed with him, woke up the next morning and started asking when he could go outside.

The Backyard Safari gear in action

As the sun hadn’t risen yet I informed him that we could go outside once he got out of his pajamas and the sun was up.  An hour later the three of us were in the front yard and he was using his binoculars to look at flowers, birds and chasing small insects with the magnifying glass.

The Backyard Safari gear

Our Backyard Safari gear included the Essential Cargo Vest, Critter Shack, Field Binocs, Magnifying Glass, Mini Lantern and Scoop Net.  It varies as to what he enjoys more, if anything it depends on the time of day and where he is.

Animals in the net

During the night Scoop Net holds some of his animals, but in the day it sits downstairs in case we go outside.

The Field Binocs are always near him, even at night.  He comes downstairs with them around his neck ready to go outside and look for critters.

You get the point.  He absolutely loves this gear, much more so than my wife or I ever thought that he would.

This giveaway is for the Essential Cargo Vest, Critter Shack, Field Binocs, Magnifying Glass, Mini Lantern and Scoop Net.  It’s a retail value of over $50 and your child will love discovering new things outside with this and the photos that you get will be timeless.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

3 thoughts on “Backyard Safari review and giveaway-kids love it”

  1. My four year old daughter would love this. We spent all summer chasing fireflies and butterflies but her favorite is the ladybug. She likes them to crawl all over her arms and legs “tickling” her.

  2. My son didn’t bring it home but he tried to put a sand crab in his pocket to bring home. Other than that he had a pet ladybug 🙂

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