Our family lessons learned between the first and second child

Our youngest will turn 2 years old in a couple of months.  The cliché that the time flies by is every so true.  You can’t believe they were ever that small and so forth.  The bending of time that happens after the second child is born is quick, you blink and suddenly they’re 2 years old.  If I could talk to myself a couple of months before our second child arrived here is a list of things that I would suggest.

Get a good double stroller ASAP

“But, I’ll just wait till they’re older and get a nice dual jogging stroller”, I would say to my future self.

That would be a bad idea because your newborn will need to be walked and your oldest still needs to be in the stroller.  A nice walk in the park or around the neighborhood can save your sanity when you have two small children.  Yes, a stroller that accommodates two children can be expensive, but this is something that you should factor into the child budget.  You’ll feel better because of the exercise and if you take good care of the stroller you can resell it for at least 50% of its purchase price.

Take more video and don’t forget the photos

“I will, quit nagging me”, I would say.

You’ll be busier and may not take as many photo, or in our case videos.  We certainly have some very cute photos of both boys, but I think we have more of the first born.  Take time out of the day to take photos with the real camera, in addition to the smart phone.

Stop trying to fix every single toy

“But it’s a limited edition or will have huge sentimental value to him”, I would say.

The broken sword

No, no they won’t.  Case in point this sword, it used to light up in a variety of colored patterns.  Now, it’s just a plastic stick that the youngest uses to push around the house.  I’m getting better at discarding broken toys in a timely manner, but need to accept reality on a couple of them.  That puzzle piece may never be found, the key little plastic part is gone forever and that’s OK, move on.

Don’t save every piece of artwork

“But they’ll want to see it later when they’re older”, I would say.

No, no they won’t.  It’s just a square sheet of paper with scribbles, not too different from the other one on the refrigerator.  When they’re older and drawing things, then it might be worth saving, might be.  In this case, just like the toys, move on and toss them in the paper recycling.  You’re not a bad parent, you just don’t have unlimited space.

Stretch you lower back

“I’m fit, be quiet”, I would say.

You may be fit and that’s awesome.  But you haven’t done 30-40 reps a day of picking up a squirming 10 pound baby in a couple of years.  Stretch and get strong again because the little bundle of joy will get heavier and your back needs to be game.

Having two children rocks and is nowhere near as scary as I thought it would be.  It seems unimaginable, until it’s your reality, then it just is.  You deal with it, take naps when you can and are the happy, proud parent to two fabulous little people.

What was your biggest curve between the first and second child?

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at http://about.me/TreyBurley

2 thoughts on “Our family lessons learned between the first and second child”

  1. Kid 2 will be arriving in our house in late January! Luckily, my girlie is already 5, so I can skip the double stroller tip. But I definitely need to clean out some toys! We are far beyond baby proof these days… Yikes.

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