The trailer premier for Delivery Man. 533 children & 1 dad

What happens when a man finds out that his anonymous sperm bank donation 20 years ago has turned into 533 children?  Now 142 of them have joined forces to have his identity revealed and a likeable, but somewhat aloof every man has to figure out what to do.

In Delivery Man the sperm donor is Vince Vaughn.  We know that Vaughn can play a lovable loser.  He plays that character so well that he can do it in his sleep.   An actor playing a slacker when he’s in his mid 20’s is one thing, but have that actor playing the same character when he’s in his mid 40’s and it’s totally different.

Thankfully, based on the trailer for Delivery Man the script adds more dimensions to Vaughn’s character.  As he discovers the profiles for some of the 142 children he starts to take an interest in their lives.

Delivery Man 1

It looks relatable.  I know the look of the dad in his bath robe making sandwiches when he’s tired and just wants to sleep.    They way that the dad is caring, protective and listening to his friend while his daughter is crawling on him; I know that look.  Bonus: the friend in the movie is played by Chris Pratt who gained 60 pounds just for this movie, suits up in his next one as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Delivery Man 2Delivery Man 3

Because it looks relatable it means that it’s hopefully void of too much slapstick humor.  All in all, I’m in.  Consider me one of the 533 children interested in seeing Delivery Man when it comes out on November 22.

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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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