The #KmartHalloween twitter party on 10/16, 1 PM ET, $200 in possibly spooky prizes

Kids have it lucky nowadays.  Their toys are smarter than mine were and their holidays just seem bigger, witness Halloween.  In our neighborhood most of the neighbors have at least one Halloween decoration in the yard and the kids know what they’re dressing up as weeks before the big night.  Enter the #KmartHalloween twitter party on 10/16 at 1PM ET where we’ll be scaring up tweets on Halloween, the cool candy, the costumes and giving away $200 in Kmart gift cards.

MJ Costume

Our oldest son is 4 and he’s going as a giraffe this year.  He loves animals and will probably go as some animal until he discovers girls, at which point he’ll go in costume as a veterinarian.  Our youngest is 2 and he’s going as a skeleton and since his bedtime is prior to trick or treating he’ll be going as a cranky skeleton, which will hopefully scare up more candy.

The #KmartHalloween twitter party will bring back old school memories, be an opportunity to share new trends and even some decorating tips.

Taking part in the #KmartHalloween twitter party is simple.

Just RT one of the announcements about the party, like this one:

Then engage in the conversation using the hashtag #KmartHalloween between 1-2 PM ET on Wednesday, October 16.  With a little mojo, you just might win some major Halloween gift card action that will take care of the costumes, decorations AND candy!


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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